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Growing vigourously again, but alas still no flowers this year.

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Just like mine only for the last 14 years this june I ve had it not one flower not matter what I ve done

25 May, 2011


This has got to be its 9th maybe 10th year. Ray(bonkersbon) gave me some tips last year on pruning. I followed as he'd said, but still no flowers.

26 May, 2011


So did he me but Paul the gardener gave me some tips, as his was grown from seed which they really need a big push to get them to flower, BB said only get grafted ones, Paul told me to prune August and Feb and he fed his with seaweed feed, his then bloomed. I know up the road to me there is one it never gets pruned nor fed and flowers every year.

26 May, 2011


Yes BB told me to prune back some in August and then give it a good prune in Feb. I did a blog on mine last year, and I did a blog 7th April, to show how much I had cut it back. With fingers crossed I thought I'd shocked it into flowering, but no such luck.

26 May, 2011


I ve tried all not prunning prunning twice like BB and Paul said, also prunning once no such luck, I have read that if they are by a lawn and well fed they won't flower, thinking of pulling mine out and get another one that is grafted.

26 May, 2011


Was thinking of doing that with mine, but keep giving it another chance.

26 May, 2011


So do I but I think I shall go for the tree version this time.

26 May, 2011

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