By Lori
- 30 May, 2011
I know this is a swallowtail...couldn't get a shot of it's wings closed. There were six of them around the lilac
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lovely wings
31 May, 2011
31 May, 2011
Good morning everyone! Usually we see more Monarch butterflies. Perhaps the bad weather in the U.S. south has something to do with their scarcity.
31 May, 2011
whichever you get is lovely to see ~ we dont have these ~ it looks soooo exotic!
if i were a butterfly ~ i would never have to dress up!
31 May, 2011
stunning & what a display to see six of them. An avid butterfly fan such as me made some americans laugh watching me chasing a monarch trying to get this chance of a lifetime shot. Got it but the camera was slow back then. I have updated to a dslr now so I hope to get some action shots this summer.
31 May, 2011
LOL...I often wonder what a butterfly's sense of time would be like...would it's short lifespan seem as long to it as ours does to us?? Very zen...life is but a butterfly's dream, Sticki!
With the new camera...will be checking your goY pages for even more fantastic pics, Bampy!
Oh I'm so tempted to try a DSLR...I have a Canon Powershot SX130 IS...and learning it's features (sometimes I think foibles) has been less than exciting.
It has 12x zoom and manual as well as automatic settings and it takes sound video... a really nice camera but a frustration for me. That's the main reason why I haven't gone ahead and bought a DSLR...I'd feel like a monkey with a computer! sigh...
31 May, 2011
monkeys can probably work computers better than me; my camera [the broken one] is a canon powershot G10 lori; i never use the video bit and i dont use the manual settings much ~ just the bit that says landscape or floral and the bit that turns off the flash.
as to the butterfly dream ~ i imagine they have a butterfly mind and dont remember anything ~ flitting from one thing to another in a bid to survive ~ bit like me!!
31 May, 2011
Goodness Sticki! I wish you success, health and happiness in your butterfly dream then. May we all be as lucky!
7 Jun, 2011
7 Jun, 2011
only just discovered your swallowtails Lori, dont know how i missed them in my reminders! were they there??
fantastic pictures.
as far as i can make out, there seems to be a larger grey area around the body and mantle of the european sw.tail and the bottom edge of the wings is stronger patterned but otherwise it looks very similar
nice budlea too!
14 Jul, 2011
Thanks Resi... yes they've been on for a while, but perhaps you missed them when I was talking about my other page? The flowers are plain old lilac, I'm afraid. saw a buddlea on offer at the GC today...was tempted. but I"m still trying to list all the plants which grow here naturally. compared to the numbers of those my garden plants are a cosseted minority. maybe I'll find a nice one on offer next spring. It's interesting how many insects and birds we have in common...some of our songbirds were imported with the settlers. Haven't seen a monarch so far... think that the tornadoes and storms in the U.S. south may be to blame for that. Hope they make it here. Their fav flower, the milkweed, is starting to bloom. It has the sweetest scent. They usually lay their eggs on it and it feeds their larva.
15 Jul, 2011
no they definitely werent on my page together with quite a few of the others i am now discovering.
must have been a glitch, but i will keep an eye out.
sorry about the budlea, my brain has been severely affected by all the sun!!
i planted a lot of indiginous lilac in our natural hedge, they do very well in the dry soil and most of my many budleas come from the verges around here, i just dug a few out as they get mown down with great regularity by the council together with the orchids and anything else which dares to raise its head.
orchids i havent transplanted because the longer i garden organically the more orchids keep popping up in our garden by themselves.
my latest 'acquisitions' are 2 little Robinia pseudoacacia, lovely trees, with beautiful white flowers in spring.
the flowers are used for cooking here, dunked in batter and deepfried! good too!
they have really good rootsystems but little on top because of the treatment, very good for transplanting though.
Monarchs are on my to see list, do post a piccie when you meet them please
15 Jul, 2011
I'm keeping a lookout for the Monarchs but it's late days for them...maybe they've been delayed. If so I'll have a pic to post before too long. I love the lilacs, especially the old wild lilac...part of what makes them so special is the fact that you only get to smell their lovely fragrance once every year. would like to find a dark purple and a pure white one. A lilac hedge might be nice!
I've heard of the same treatment for daylily buds as for the Robinia flowers...haven't tried it yet though. Have plenty of the old standard orange day lilies which are in bloom now...nahhh... I'm not feeling adventurous. lol....
17 Jul, 2011
Such a beautiful pic! :>)
3 Mar, 2012
We live in one of the few areas in Englad where Swallowtails live Lori , they like the Norfolk broads :o)
30 May, 2012
Thanks D1! The lilacs bloomed this year but not as well as last year...late frosts, weird spring...what can I say? so as a result the butterflies didn't have as good feeding as they did last year. The dragonflies are back too...they are aces in my book as they eat mosquitoes. They move so fast that it's difficult to get a decent pic of them.
Amy: Love the place names in England...Norfolk broads...North Americans would think you were referring to a certain type of woman! lol...:-0!!!
3 Jun, 2012
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Beatiful photo Lori......
31 May, 2011