The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Opium Poppies flowering


By Balcony

Opium Poppies flowering (Poppy somniferum)

These self sown Opium Poppies are now flowering on the allotment!

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Hi Balcony, just love poppies i have some orange ones in my garden at the moment are lucky to have them on the allotment, the purple ones are beautiful..i know i shouldnt ..but i did bring some seeds from a few red ones from Majorca the other week..shh dont tell :o)

31 May, 2011


They are beautiful Balcony:) I love opium poppies, and have them all over my garden. Like Joanella, I must admit to nicking a seed head from a local park about 20 years ago...I've not been without them since ;)

31 May, 2011


Love them, especially the purple ones;0)

1 Jun, 2011


I took a few more photos of them today, from a different angle & close up. There are more flowers open as well :-))

1 Jun, 2011



1 Jun, 2011


nice drift !!

1 Jun, 2011


I thought they were some kind of weed - well, they are actually, according to at least one dictionary meaning: A weed is a plant in the wrong place! Therefore a Rose in the Cabbage patch would constitute a weed! LOL!

According to that definition our allotment is full of weeds! I have left Sunflowers to spring up all over the place as well as these Poppies! But I root up Potatoes & Tomatoes that are springing up where I don't want them!

Incredible as it may seem there are Tomato seedlings springing up in several places! Somehow the seeds have survived our very hard winter & extremely hot & dry April! I've left a couple of them to grow but they aren't getting special treatment!

3 Jun, 2011


Lovely poppies Balcony. I have a few rogue potato plants growing in my garden between the runner beans and am leaving them there.

7 Jun, 2011


It's great isn't it when self sown seeds spring up? While they are not what we normally consider to be weeds!

8 Jun, 2011


Yes Balcony I feel so glad to have anything come up in my garden apart from the weeds that is :-)

8 Jun, 2011

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This photo is of species Poppy somniferum.

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