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Garden gate

Garden gate

As viewed from driveway, looking into the garden beyond

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All safe and secure now then.

2 Jun, 2011


That helps with security doesn't it? pleased you have got yourself a bolt on the other side, now you can rest in your garden without anyone interupting you.

2 Jun, 2011


You are going to have some really good quality rest in that garden now it has been revamped.

2 Jun, 2011


very smart :)

2 Jun, 2011


Yes, all safe and secure and we have a huge lock on the inside as well! We have still had one attempted break-in through a back window of the shop stockroom before we had it all bricked in....and we saw the footprint on the garden side of the gate which was left behind!

They couldn't get in by opening the gate because of the lock but they must have been very agile and just jumped it instead!

We are getting quality rest (well hubby is....I haven't been sitting out in the garden to do you I went out to visit a friend this afternoon and pick up some plants she was saving for me and upon my arrival back home huby was sitting in his lawn chair, cap on and chatting away to Lucy, basking in the sunshine :)

2 Jun, 2011


Sounds idyllic - enjoy

2 Jun, 2011


That is one handsome gate Whistonlass. My back gate is on its last legs - I think it's held together with cobwebs . . . lol!

7 Jun, 2011


Thank you Olive....we are definitely enjoying our lovely new garden :)

Oh dear, Muddywalter....we needed a good, strong gate as we wanted the back to be as secure as possible. Living above our old shop (which still operates as a newsagents & convenience store) we always have to be aware of security, particularly at the rear, ground level. We are very pleased with the fencing and the gate which was done by a local firm.

7 Jun, 2011


Love the gate & fence, absolutely a nice feature. I love gates.

8 Jun, 2011


Sounds like a lovely addition to your privacy, W'lass. I assume that Lucy is the lovely black and white cat..Is she yours? nothing completes a garden like a puss-cat.

12 Jun, 2011


Adoons and Lorilyn....pleased you like the gate. The concrete fencing is still waiting to be painted the dark brown colour that the concrete fencing inside the garden is painted. A job for later!

Yes, Lucy is the black and white cat...she's much loved and is enjoying her newfound freedom in the garden and hopping across fences to visit neighbouring gardens too!

12 Jun, 2011


thats a nice gate jacquie.

21 Jul, 2011


lovely should last for many years to come

4 Jan, 2012


Unfortunately it needs repair as a drunk guy thought he could enter through the gate and get behind the row of flats next to our property! He succeeded in damaging the panels and completely kicked out the lock and two end panels! This happened at 3am one morning.

It is a lovely gate as is the fencing the same company installed and especially happy because all the fence panels are in situ despite the very strong winds in the last few days. Whew!

It just irks me that people can have so little regard for another's property...and of course we have no recourse as we don't know who the drunk was. I heard the noise as I was still awake but we didn't find the damage until the next morning and I connected the dots, so to speak.

Jackie...thanks for your are a new face to me as I've been away from the website since summer. Easing my way back and enjoying it too :)

5 Jan, 2012

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