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view over the back garden fence..


By Bloomer

view over the back garden fence..

This area was derelict ground ,till an Alder and two silver birch were planted by the builders,nine years's like a mini wood now,and screens the houses across...just shows how great nature is..

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4 Jun, 2011


Nice view. Is this at the side or bottom of your garden.

4 Jun, 2011


Good neighbours ;o)

4 Jun, 2011


Thanks is at the bottom of my garden..had to think there,as my back garden is flat..but sussed out what you meant..Lol.I look out at this from the Lounge..its lovely this year,as they have really grown tall..
I agree,Terra..and they don't talk back,or have a nosey ! Lol.

4 Jun, 2011


Lol.... ;o)

4 Jun, 2011


very nice

4 Jun, 2011


Lucky you!

4 Jun, 2011


All the land,including where our bungalows were built,used to belong to the Bowling club,and this was a stipulation ,that this area had to be left as a wildlife area..there is a steep slope at the back of the fence,leading to a stream,wich originates from a spring,high up on the hillside.It was piped through a culvert,as it runs under three of the Bungalows..a massive job,but it is great.Lots of vegetation and Yellow iris's are abundant there..I used to go down a lot,and tidy it up a little,but nature is too strong for me,and it is a haven for birds,insects etc..We even have a Buddlia,that seeded just behind our fence..just in the right place good is that ?

4 Jun, 2011


REALLY good! :))

4 Jun, 2011


:o))) Karen..

4 Jun, 2011


A lovely way to "extend" your garden....

5 Jun, 2011


Thanks Lou,it is..I feel as though it is part of the garden..Russell made a gate in the fence,and a small pathway round to the bottom..which we can use as a shortcut to the main road..and the Co-op..very handy sometimes.:o).We also have a little area to put excess garden waste,that won't go in the composter,or if its lots of hiding places for insects to hide..and nest building stuff for the birds..:o)

5 Jun, 2011


I remember this with your little pathway to the co-op, it has matured and makes a lovely backdrop;0)

5 Jun, 2011


Thanks Carole..they have really taken off this year..looks like our own little woodland..with a shop ! Lol.

5 Jun, 2011


Well you keep saying you would like a little more garden, that can be your own Secret Garden;0))

5 Jun, 2011


I have been known to potter quite a bit I do look on it as mine ! Lol.

5 Jun, 2011


Just seen this, Sandra and it reminded me of Teds, who put a pic of her bird feeders on. She moved them so they hang over the field behind her garden. Just wondering if you did the same, would it stop the 'soggy Porridge' effect on your garden? . . . .

9 Jun, 2011


That would be a good idea Shirley,but we have a path between the fence and the border,where they nowhere to stick the post in !.Russell once built a lovely birdhouse,complete with a log roll roof left over from the edging border..,and feeder platform..very des res..and mounted it on a stout post...He put it behind the fence..but it was so high,because of the steep slope..(we wouldn't have seen it otherwise)..he had a job to reach it,to put the food,I made the mistake of likening it to a lookout post,and asked where the sniper with the gun,was going to sit !! was sooo big ! Lol...He wasn't happy,and down after a while! :o))..I think he was secretly glad,really..but of course he would never have admitted it my fault..again! Lol...oh,by the way,fat balls finished,and extra seed feeders up again !

9 Jun, 2011


After all that hard work by Russell ... what a shame it had to go! Glad the extra seed feeders are in position too. : o ))

9 Jun, 2011


It was ,but much easier with the other one..The 'soggy porridge' mess,is slowly disappearing !.It was mainly the bits from the fat think the ground feeders have found it,now they can get near..we haven't seen the Jackdaws today..I feel guilty,as I know they need food as well..ah,well,it had to be done..

10 Jun, 2011


They'll survive ... others will have 'soggy Porridge' in their gardens! . . .

10 Jun, 2011


Lol,Shirley..we had a lovely surprise today..a beautiful male Bullfinch,ventured on to the top of the fence..we wondered what the flash of orange was,in the tree..He came twice,but didn't feed..I do hope we can get a pic,we tried,but he was so quick,...maybe he is plucking up courage yet..:o)

10 Jun, 2011


Now that's a rare sight ... if you're up early tomorrow better have the camera ready! : o ))

10 Jun, 2011


Thats a lovely view into the woodland B. thats why the birds are around.

10 Jun, 2011


Can you believe this..the first time we tried,it was ready and poised,waiting to see if he came back...the damn battery went,so Russell went to charge it up..and didn't it just come again,while it was charging ? Life is so unfair..Lol.
I think I feel a Bill Oddie and Kate moment coming any camouflage gear,Shirley ? :o))

10 Jun, 2011


Somewhere ... can't find it though ... lol !!

10 Jun, 2011


Thanks is lovely for the birds,now the trees have grown...The cats have noticed too..and we get a few hanging around there..I keep seeing them,having a leisurely stroll on top of the fence..:o)

10 Jun, 2011


Lol,Shirley..that will be something for you to do tomorrow,instead of "grubbing around in the Garden " :o)

10 Jun, 2011


I'm smiling here as I can hear rain falling down ... it may be a five minute shower but it's a start! If I can get OH up some steps, or a ladder, tomorrow there'll be branches of neighbour's trees a'falling! A copper Beech and a Cherry which seem to think they live in my garden now. Grr . . . .

10 Jun, 2011

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