i think its dead...:-(
By Sandra
- 6 Jun, 2011
- 1 like
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the smallest one...its been in 4 years now..my mum has three big one is doing fine ..middle one is so-so..but im sure this one has had it...
6 Jun, 2011
What a shame :( so expensive, have you felt inside? If its dead, dont dig it up, you can drill a hole out the top and put a pot with a fern inside, ive seen it done on another garden forum and it looks great :)
6 Jun, 2011
i'm still secretly hoping Ydd...its still dry and furry inside..fern in a pot sounds like a plan ..thanks
6 Jun, 2011
One of mine is just unfurling now (late) . There's still hope for yours, I wouldn't do anything drastic yet :) keeping my fingers crossed for you..
6 Jun, 2011
thanks ..they were my mums 70th birthday prezzy...she loves them..
6 Jun, 2011
Awwwww, ill keep my toes crossed as well Sandra, Tell your mum she has good taste lol...
6 Jun, 2011
What kind of fern was it?
8 Jun, 2011
dicksonia antartica...a bit too arctic this winter for them..:-(
9 Jun, 2011
I'm sorry to hear about your Dicksonia antartica!
This fern and Dicksonia squarrosa along with many other species from New Caledonia, New Guinea are grown here, also.
10 Jun, 2011
at least we still have a few..only one died
10 Jun, 2011
Sometimes it will put out a new plant from the roots.
13 Jun, 2011
wow i didnt know that...thanks :-)
14 Jun, 2011
I felt sorry for this photo...
it didn't have a "like"...
so I gave it just one little "like"...LOL.
17 Jul, 2011
He he Tt, Did it get any fronds Sandra?
17 Jul, 2011
Yes, inquiring minds want to know. lol! :>) Did your fern grow new fronds?
17 Jul, 2011
no im afraid not....but the others look lovely and have been enjoying the rain. but i wonder why this one died....we have four O.K. three now...lol and the others are fine. they are all planted in the same soil facing the same way...but i have to say this one is more cramped in by other plants so maybe they need space around them.
18 Jul, 2011
I'm sorry it didn't come back! :>(
20 Jul, 2011
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14 Aug, 2008
Is this your treefern Sandra?
6 Jun, 2011