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Echium pininana snow tower

Echium pininana snow tower (Echium pininana Snow tower)

About 12' at the moment, my record is 14' so a litte way to go yet!

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wow...they are awesome...

6 Jun, 2011


Very nice, i want some !

6 Jun, 2011


me too Bill...lost all my pinninana in the snow...the wall must be helping to protect these ones..

6 Jun, 2011


o wow! seen my first at Kew Gardens, and then later in East London - in front of tall building. Just them in the gravel - stopped and stared at them for few minutes - really liked that garden:)

7 Jun, 2011


Saw my first ones at Abbotsbury gardens years ago thought they were amazing so got some seeds and had a try. Once they have flowered they seed everywhere, happy days :-0))

7 Jun, 2011


Wonderful plant....

10 Jun, 2011


my neighbour gave me a tiny pot with this plant in this morning...looks like I'd better be careful where I plant it! (its called 'blue steeple')
how old are the ones in this foto please? I read they take up to 3 years before they flower? and they need winter protection?
thanx, would be grateful for some info! :-)

30 Jun, 2011


Hi, the plants in the photo are 2 years old, they usually flower in the second year with me, hardy to around -5 so i had to wrap them well this winter (only around 4' then) with fleece, mine are near a tall south facing wall (see photo) which helps a lot. Hope yours flowers well, good luck :)

30 Jun, 2011


cheers p-o-h!! since my next-door-neighbour gave me this I feel honour-bound to plant it....even tho I really think my garden is way too small to accommodate it...!!
appreciate your reply, thank you!! :-)

30 Jun, 2011

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