The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Clarice


Not a clue what he's thinking. But he was in a world of his own for ages.

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Looking at that pattern has put him in a trance ;-)

14 Jun, 2011



14 Jun, 2011


Our cat does that sometimes , we try to see what she is seeing , sometime she is looking all round the room as though she is following something ,we almost came to the conclusion that we had a ghost !

14 Jun, 2011


Its like there daydreaming does'nt it, love to know what there thinking :o))

14 Jun, 2011


he's having a long deep thought :D

14 Jun, 2011


Awww, he's lovely. Looks just like my neighbour's cat, Billy.

14 Jun, 2011


"Are you sure there are no wasps on this flower,Mum ? "
That's what Jack is thinking,Clarice..Lol.

14 Jun, 2011


I think he is Meditating lol

14 Jun, 2011


Maybe he thinks he sees a spider, ours do that all the time, if it is a will eat it, while the other one runs for the hills!

15 Jun, 2011


Cute Jack :o)

16 Jun, 2011


I wondered what he was looking at. My cat Dusty glances at the floor or ceiling sometimes and when we look really close it's a little tiny spider or fly.

17 Jun, 2011


Maybe he's trying to decide what the flower is in the pattern!

23 Jun, 2011

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