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himalaion musk

himalaion musk

Comments on this photo


Sooo pretty ! :o)

15 Jun, 2011


So many flowers, lovely display.

15 Jun, 2011


thanks .............. it just grows soooo much , and the scent after the rain is gawjuss

15 Jun, 2011


that is awesome !!!!

15 Jun, 2011


thanks paul ................ only flowers once tho ......

15 Jun, 2011


This is a lovely rose, is it very old Cristina?

15 Jun, 2011


3 years hun .................. it grows like mad

15 Jun, 2011


It certainly does.

16 Jun, 2011


lol ................

16 Jun, 2011


Awww that is so gorgeous....I remember my parents grew that in our garden at home....the scent was fantastic.
Thanks for the memories Cristina....I'm really going to have to find the space somewhere to grow one.

16 Jun, 2011


iot will take over hun , i am just tryi ng to root some !! if it takes then you can have it lol .................. ;0)))

16 Jun, 2011


Ooohhh thanks x
I once grew a "Kiftsgate" in my very small garden...and yes, it took over....but I loved it! (It did grow half way down our road though, I think all the neighbours got some of it in their gardens, lol). Think it's time I planted something else rampant...;)

16 Jun, 2011


lol .............have allready rooted one last year and planted on my arch ............. think i be sorry eeeeek , so dont see y it wont root , have dun a few from my little ramberla as well , , have you looked at michaela blog on her roses she has kiftgate on there , and she wants h.musk as well now !!!

16 Jun, 2011


Off to have a look right now....:)
(So much to little time, lol)

16 Jun, 2011


oooooooooo did you see then

16 Jun, 2011


Wow that is amazing Cristina, I think that's what I'll plant to under my Oak tree to disguise that huge mound of earth :O)

20 Jun, 2011


cupcake this is on an arch lol and we nearly have to crawl under ............... its very rampent , and wud be up the tree in 2 years !!!

20 Jun, 2011


Oh it's so gorgeous though maybe along the fence instead then? That way I might be able to keep it in check?

20 Jun, 2011


prob be best lol

21 Jun, 2011

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