Iris Midnight Revelry
By Lorilyn57

19 Jun, 2011
Glorious colour...Lost track of this one. Planted it with another iris by the pond thinking that it was just another piece of root from the my surprise it survives and it looks wonderful..
Comments on this photo
Stunning and so Regal
19 Jun, 2011
What a glorious colour Wow !
20 Jun, 2011
Lori.....what a fantastic colour this one is............
20 Jun, 2011
Most of my "plant saving" last fall was done in the cold of early winter...November is not a kind month. Last summer, into autumn and winter was not a good time for me...I was so stressed. Kinda lost track of this iris thro moving a lot of roots and plants to my cousin's place...They all came back to me this spring in pretty good shape..and I even found a piece of root for the variegated Iris that I thought would never make it...but it did! Have plans to expand my Iris collection. Will plant the yellow water iris along the stream and expand the bed beside the pond. Even found a beardie that was left growing under the black walnut in the front yard!!
21 Jun, 2011
I cant get enough of them either Lori, Ive bought a fair few rebloomers this year in the hopes of nice long hot summers! Not happening yet tho. Still they reckon you can get sunburned on a cloudy day, so there is hope!
22 Jun, 2011
Would you mind pointing out the re-bloomers to me, Tet?
I've been looking for an excuse to buy more Iris and they look fantastic along the stream. The older var. that I have has totally stopped for this year. Do you have to remove all the flowers for the rebloomers to rebloom? Finding the iris that was left behind by the previous owners was a bit of a surprise as it is travelling (moved from the back of the bed to almost the front on it's own) but it has been planted under a tree which usually wages chemical warfare on any plant unfortunate enough to be planted within their dripline. The leaves in autumn will poison the soil if left to mulch and the roots will remain to poison the soil should you remove the rest of the tree. It's just easier to move the Iris. There are lemon lilies, Bellis, iris, phlox, creeping Jenny from the last owners...and I've added Oriental lilies and a Hosta 'Patriot'.... The one hosta which is supposed to be slug proof is Great I think I might try it in the place of H. Patriot under the tree and see if it's tolerant of juglone too. Have found that we have a number of different kinds of slugs too...Have found huge slimey golden yellow ones that could defoliate the amazon jungle in a single night!
Our weather has been schizoid! the last 30 hours has been rain...we got about 2 inches...then today it was fitful showers in the a.m., clear by as hades, with really high uv and humidity...and now in the early evening it's clouding up again and there's thunder rumbling in the distance! Glorious!
23 Jun, 2011
Our weather having nervous breakdown too Lori. Its presently more like spring (already had the summer!) Lets hope autumn and winter dont change!!!
Most iris sites have a section for rebloomers but here Immortality (pure white self, yellow beards) is a regular. And Shreiners have Autumn Circus or Autumn Tryst (purple/white plicata types) that rebloom..maybe both of them. Cant remember. You have lots of space there, so maybe you could create a bed within a bed? Patches of slightly raised in places that get maximum sun, airflow and drainage? Once the irises start increasing is when I believe you get reblooming. I havent succeeded yet cos I have only just started growing rebloomers. Probably a year or two before it happens.
Ive been lucky with slugs..last year we had 2 hedgehogs and they were great vacuum cleaners! This year a few more as no hedgehogs. But the harsh winter helped a bit I think. Would rather have the prickly beasties tho.
24 Jun, 2011
You might get a wintery autumn, and an autumny winter... that might not be too bad! After the last one a nice mild winter would be fine with my garden.
Wonder where the HH's went? They are such amusing little critters. wish they were native here...I have so many slugs and snails that they would be fat as a hogshead! I have lots of little toads, so no problem. Hopefully they will become BIG toads by eating all the slugs.
26 Jun, 2011
Here's to a feast for the toads!!
28 Jun, 2011
28 Jun, 2011
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Oh doesnt it just!! Such an intense colour, a real beauty.
19 Jun, 2011