Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree Flowering
By Delonix1

21 Jun, 2011
My neighbor's Jacaranda tree flowering, directly across the street from me. 3 of the 4 corner houses (which I live in one) have Jacaranda trees.
Comments on this photo
Thanks! :>)
Typically, this tree has much more flowers.
21 Jun, 2011
Just stunning. :o)
21 Jun, 2011
Thanks! It's pretty nice to look out my front door and see the Jacaranda tree in the front yard and this tree across the street...and I can look to my right and see my other across the street neighbor's Jacaranda blooming. :>)
21 Jun, 2011
It must be a wonderful sight. :o)
22 Jun, 2011
Yes, the Jacarandas are a wonderful sight. There's so many thousands around.
23 Jun, 2011
Oh I'll just sighhhh...and pretend I can see them all. lol. :o)
23 Jun, 2011
Jacaranda is an extremely popular tree here...if a person couldn't afford one the city of San Diego would give you a free tree. Not sure if the city is still doing this, though...especially with all the budget cuts.
24 Jun, 2011
I'll have to come and live there then. lol. :o)
24 Jun, 2011
LOL! San Diego is a very nice city to live in...I love it here! :>)
24 Jun, 2011
Hip, hip, hooray! We have sunshine today. Weather has gone from dismal, wintry weather, to a slight scorcher today. Don't know where it came from, but weather men haven't given much of an outlook to it staying very long. So hey, ho, we'll just have to make the most of it while it's here. :o)
26 Jun, 2011
That's great! Finally some hot weather. How hot is it?
26 Jun, 2011
Uh Oh, it's gone. Weather's back to dismal today. Started off warm, daughter dressed granddaughter in summer clothes, and then had to change her sandals, and put a coat on her. Yesterday, I'm guessing weather was about 22/23 centigrade. But weathermen said they did'nt know how long it would last. Thought it would be longer than a day, tho. lol. :o)
27 Jun, 2011
Sorry to hear about that! :>(
We've had a hot weekend...and it's still pretty warm, however, blistering hot and humid weather is heading our way at the end of the week and through our 4th of July holiday weekend.
28 Jun, 2011
Sun has been shining again today but only in intervals.
Glad to hear you're having warm/hot weather, but don't know if I could stand 'blistering' heat.
When the sun is out, it is quite warm, but then it gets a bit overcast, and breezy.
At least I've managed to do a bit of gardening, in between visitors. :o)
28 Jun, 2011
It sounds like you're having very good gardening weather. I'm having to go out much later in the evening almost before the sun goes down...which I'm sure is much earlier than where you live (because of San Diego's 32ยบ latitude).
I bet the sun goes down 10p.m. or later there, right?
1 Jul, 2011
Sun goes down, I would guess about 9pm. Usually dark by around 10pm. Sun has been shining on and off today, so I have been out staining the garden furniture.
Young granddaughter wants a barbecue, but yet again, it's not quite warm enough. :o)
1 Jul, 2011
The sun goes down at around 8:00 p.m. here.
We've been having perfect barbecue weather (HOT!). :>)
3 Jul, 2011
Did have a barbecue day before yesterday, although it was overcast, I did it to keep Granddaughter happy. :o)
3 Jul, 2011
Overcast weather is perfect for barbecues, too. :>)
3 Jul, 2011
Yes, but because sun had gone in, granddaughter went indoors and left me to it. lo. :o)
3 Jul, 2011
Oh no! lol! :>)
3 Jul, 2011
They did the same thing last night too lol. ;o)
5 Jul, 2011
That's terrible!
6 Jul, 2011
lol. :o)))
6 Jul, 2011
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Stunning again. I just so love the colour. :o)
21 Jun, 2011