For Shirley tulip! Our front garden bed
By Sheilabub

22 Jun, 2011
(I should have taken "before" pics): Sambucus nigra, Sorbria Sem, Panicum Shenandoah and Nandina
Comments on this photo
I'm not sure how to tell you this, Shirley, but these are the 'after' photos lol! (but the plants have only been in a few months).
24 Jun, 2011
Oops, now I'm in trouble! I could say I thought I'd typed 'after' instead of 'before' but that would be a lie! I still think the plants are lovely. : o )))))
24 Jun, 2011
Well . . . since you're so nice about it, you can come off the naughty step. :))
24 Jun, 2011
Phew ... got away with that one! Have a lovely weekend, Sheila : o ))
24 Jun, 2011
You too, Shirley. Hope to go swimming, then weeding in sunshine, lol (that's put the mockers on the forecast, then). :))
24 Jun, 2011
Weeds? I'm sure there are none in your garden, Sheila! Can you see how I'm trying to make up for my earlier mistake ... lol!
24 Jun, 2011
If I look VERY HARD I can probably find a few . . . a girl can pretend . . . anything to avoid the housework, lol!
25 Jun, 2011
: o )))
25 Jun, 2011
lol...Shirley!! ha ha ha.....looks really neat Sheila with that brick edging....will be great as it grows. Are those grasses very tall ones? My new grasses at the front in the gravel are taking ages to get going. I have a Stipa Gigantea which is anything but gigantic at about a foot high! Hopefully next year it will come good! I suppose it may even get big this year if only we would get some sunshine :S
27 Jun, 2011
Thanks Karen . . the Panicum Shenandoah should get to about 3 ft. I have a Stipa Gigantea in a pot - in its second year, hasn't flowered and is only about 18"!
27 Jun, 2011
Glad my error of judgment made you smile, Karen! The planting looks so new, oh come on, it does!! I think I covered my error quite well, lol! : o )))
1 Jul, 2011
Sorry Sheila, this just caught my eye...It's not disimilar to the front of our Bungalow, and the gravelled bed, ours has Iris in and a teracotta edge....Yours looks terrific...and the lawn looks healthier too...We have the caravan standing on ours...:)))
29 Jul, 2011
Don't apologise Sue . . . many thanks for the comment! (Just back from Cornwall, so looking forward to joining in again on this site.)
I've yet to grow an Iris though I do love them - do they like being in gravel??
1 Aug, 2011
I brought ours from our previous garden...Some are just the normal blue flag...but the others are double Purple, which was a nice surprise when they flowered...
Sadly all the others I left behind, hope to restock eventually...
2 Aug, 2011
Well - I was given an Iris today at my garden group . . . two-tone blue apparently. Just have to find a sunny spot now to keep it happy. :)
2 Aug, 2011
Sheila ... every time I see this pic appear I cringe ... still can't believe my first comment! Could you just delete it ... please? lol! :o))))
2 Aug, 2011
I wouldn't know how, Shirley . . . but it would be a shame to deprive GoYers of their daily chuckle. :)))
2 Aug, 2011
Ha, ha, ha, you're a cruel woman! :o)))))
2 Aug, 2011
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These must be the 'before' photos then, Sheila! Lovely choice of plants with the gravel. Looking good. : o ))
23 Jun, 2011