arum lilies

10 Jul, 2011
Comments on this photo
Well, Great, I think it is more by luck than judgement! I was given a small clump about 10 years ago and I'm afraid they get very little attention really. They took a couple of years to get going but now they do very well most years.They are planted in a spot that is mostly shady, and the soil is heavy clay and fairly neutral. I put some compost in the hole when I planted them. I understand they like plenty of water but they are in a fairly dry place and I only water them when they look as though they're flagging, perhaps 2 or 3 times in spring and summer. I occasionally feed them with Miracle Gro in spring. Slugs are a problem in spring and this is the only perennial plant on which I use a few slug pellets. I should add that this photo was taken last year and the lilies have not done at all well this year. I put it down to the extraordinarily dry spring, so maybe that's the problem with yours. I hope this helps and you have success with your arums!
17 Jul, 2011
thanks Pennyfarthing I was thinking of moving mine. But when I read your comment, I to grow mine on clay, compost was added to the hole before planting. There in a shady. The difference is, slugs don't appear to be bothering the plant. Something smaller like - a beetle maybe, is making holes in the leaves. I'll take a photo and show you later. Thanks for your help. I was going to dig it up as I think the soil might be too compacted and put it in a pot and maybe move it around the garden to see where its happy?
24 Jul, 2011
hello Great,
They don't really like being moved and take awhile to settle in again, so it may best to leave them, but water and feed them a bit more in spring. I wonder whether you have lily beetle? Are you familiar with that little wretch? If not I'll fill you in when I hear from you!
24 Jul, 2011
My arum lilies are doing very well also (in NZ) & the soil in my back garden is quite heavy with a clay base to it. They are planted in a dapple-shaded area & I really don't do anything with them at all ... totally neglected really. I have another bunch growing in another area, & they are doing fine too. Area they are in, is a bit more open but still seem good.
26 Sep, 2011
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I have one of these it's not doing very well. Please can you let me into your secretes of how to have mine grow as beautifully as yours
16 Jul, 2011