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Gladioli 'Pistachio'


By Crissue

Gladioli 'Pistachio'

This one I've been waiting looks lemony, but supposed to be a pale green...again it's the first one..
The other thing i've noticed with this one, is the sheaths are not as tight as the other Gladioli, and they start open individually...

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Thats a lovely one. I have been thinking of planting some glads but do not want a lot of stakes, any suggestions?

16 Jul, 2011


That is their problem they do look untidy if not supported...There are Tall Plant supports, that are on tri-pods with a circular top, and you put them in where the plants are to grow, and they supposedly grow through them... These are in a Nursery bed at the mo...and I hope to plant them in the garden for next I shall have to look at a similar way of supporting them...I'll have a google and see what I can find out...

Can you see loose the sheath is..

16 Jul, 2011


Thanks Crissue I think I prefer the looser sheath?

16 Jul, 2011


When you feel the closed sheath, you could be fooled into thinking, mmm maybe there's nothing in opposed to the others, that are firm to the touch...bizzare that...I don't mind lol as long as there's a bloom... :))

16 Jul, 2011


So pretty

16 Jul, 2011


Thanks Scotkat...its a first, can only get better...

16 Jul, 2011


I like this, but it is disappointing when it isn't what you were expecting or planning for! I love the green ones and if it's going to be yellow, then lemon is best in my book!

16 Jul, 2011


The unfurled flower, and the throat Karen are nearer the colour it is supposed to be, do you agree...This is the first one i've seen for real, I'm just going by the Package which carries a beautiful pic...I agree Lemon is the best...and I'm not unhappy with the colour...last year I got nothing but dead in this is bonus... :))

16 Jul, 2011


I googled some info Drc..Harrod Horticulture have a few selections of ways of support with pics...just type it in and go...they show the circular supports I mentioned...Their price is £14.99 for two...

16 Jul, 2011


I have some of those supports for my Hollyhock - but they make it an expensive business Crissue.

16 Jul, 2011


...You can as H was suggesting to me make your own back to back supports, I suppose we'll look at that when we move them...True as you say, it can get expensive...
we both will find a way lol...

16 Jul, 2011



16 Jul, 2011


hi there..this is gorgeous - its prolly the earliest memory I have of flowers aged 4/ my uncles garden - he was passionate about gladioli...n I used to explore them n find caterpillars sometimes in them! ;0).

17 Jul, 2011


Hi there Orchidpoppy...thanks for your's a new one for me...I had a look at it this morning, and it looks very slightly greener...(says she hopefully) lol we've had some long awaited rain here, so it can only help nourish more than tap water...

17 Jul, 2011


Love this one! And if I can make a comment to Drc, we have Gladioli byzantium . . . it is a lovely magenta colour and doesn't need any staking as it doesn't grow very tall.

19 Jul, 2011


That sounds good Sheilabub , when do you plant them next spring?

19 Jul, 2011


I think Karensusan has the shorter variety too...the tall ones can be a pain...they just want to lean all the time...I have these in a nursery bed, as I didn't know what to expect after last years disappoinment...but will definitely have to ask H to make supports for them...:)))

20 Jul, 2011


Drc - as I've had mine a few years, I Googled them, and saw that Sarah Raven says plant in the autumn. Someone else said dig them up to keep over winter, but I've never done that . . . nor has a friend who has lots, as they slowly spread. As you're in the south, you should be fine with them!

20 Jul, 2011


I never dig mine up either, Sheila nor Dahlias...always covered and well protected...

20 Jul, 2011


Many thanks

20 Jul, 2011

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