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Plumeria rubra 'Samoan Fluff' - Samoan Fluff Plumeria

Plumeria rubra 'Samoan Fluff' - Samoan Fluff Plumeria (Plumeria rubra 'Samoan Fluff' - Samoan Fluff Plumeria)

This is my largest Somoan Fluff tree which is in the front yard. It's 6ft/2m tall and almost 5ft/1.5m wide. It has a lot of flowers which unfortunately can't be seen in this photo. Posted for my friend Alexandramou in Greece. Photo taken July 18, 2011.

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Oh my dear friend I am is sooo much trouble!!! How am I going to keep these monsters warm in the winter!!! Nice big greenhouse or I can put up temporary plastic around them in the winter if I plant them in the garden...

I remember my neighbour in NY use to put plastic around his fig trees...they always made it through NY winters. Something to think about. There is no way I'm going to grow them to be that big and lose them to nature....nope.

19 Jul, 2011


It takes a long time for Plumeria trees to get this big when grown in a pot. This Plumeria is 12 years old from a cutting. It was in a big pot for a long time. I just planted it into the ground this spring. If this tree had been in the ground for 12 years it most likely would be more than double the height and width.

If you have a place with an overhang to prevent it from getting wet in winter that would be good. Most likely the cold isn't going to get it where you live (as long as the temps stays above 34ºF/1.1ºC)'s the wet, cool soil in winter which Plumerias hate (and can cause them to rot and die).

19 Jul, 2011

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