Log Wall at RHS Tatton Park Show
By Muddywalters

22 Jul, 2011
Thought I would submit this for inclusion in the Walls/Garden Fences ideas section. The owner tried to sell it to me for £1,600.00 - yeah, dream on matey!!!
Comments on this photo
Isn't that lovely though? Did you see Carol Klein in her white boots at all Muddy? I watched the half hour show last night and thought it looked lovely . . . . .
22 Jul, 2011
I really liked it and thought it was a great idea - I'd have one, but not at that price! The only other photo I've got Oliveoil, is my three companions drinking Pimms - my hands were too full with plants and Pimms to take photos. Weak excuse I know, but true!
I didn't see Carol Klein all day Shirley, which is a shame 'cos I'm a big fan. However, I was unfortunate enough to catch sight of Joe Swift in football shorts and now I'm scarred for life . . . lol! ;-))
22 Jul, 2011
I love that wall, if i'd had that kind of disposable income i'd have paid it, it looks great - infact, i like the whole area !
22 Jul, 2011
Looks cool - like that
22 Jul, 2011
I like that idea it looks fab .. I wish I had seen that when my brother had a timber yard ,I would have scrounged all his off cuts ... :o)
22 Jul, 2011
Joe Swift eh? He swiped some of our picnic lunch, many years ago, whilst at Hampton Court Flower Show! Cheeky wotsit ... : o ))
22 Jul, 2011
Its wonderful Mark perhaps he could nt graps lograthems in maths at school lol yea that was a weak excuse, I notice you did nt come and pick me up to go, I would of flounted my blooms at him then charged him for looking then we would of got the fences for nothing .
22 Jul, 2011
That is a great wall...but will pass on the price..Lucky you going to Tatton..somewhere I have always wanted to visit..I have been there,but not to the show..maybe next year..:o)
22 Jul, 2011
Thanks Louise and Paul. Amy, I bet your brother wishes he'd seen it too - could've expanded the business between you!
Shirley - he's a naughty boy!
Bloomer, it is a great day out.
Sixpence . . . if only I'd known . . . lol! ;-))
22 Jul, 2011
Yea right lol :o)) blarrrr
22 Jul, 2011
Boo hoo;) can't get up to Tatton like we used to go, in a big family group, with a couple of children in pushchairs. I found it much more enjoyable than struggling to see exhibits at Chelsea.....only 5 foot tall. Always had a Pimms at Chelsea......best part of the show....hic. I enjoyed the TV programmes. Liked Carol Kleins herbaceous border dress too.
23 Jul, 2011
Hope you enjoyed it, i'm going to Southport in August, there's something about southport flower show i like. I'm going to book it with the coach firm i go with, not sure what day to go as they have 3 different days.
23 Jul, 2011
I enjoyed Southport show too Carol,but it's a long time since we went..
23 Jul, 2011
If only we could guarantee a 'sunny' day when we book things eh Carol! I like Southport Flower Show too and only live half a mile away so I'm able to decide by what the weather's doing when I wake up! ;-))
24 Jul, 2011
Thats true, every garden show i've been to this year its rained;(
24 Jul, 2011
I love the wall made from wood and the insects would love it too for hibernating in. It must have taken some putting together, hence the price, but if you had the time and strength you could have a go and make one. Saw Tatton show on the television. Looks like a good day out.
25 Jul, 2011
It is a lovely feature and I would have a go at making one if I had the space (and the back strength!).
If you ever get the chance to visit the show Lindak, you wouldn't be disappointed. :-)
25 Jul, 2011
that wall looks like the one GOY member< <treesandthings> had a hand in building if so there should be a good discount she has pictures of it posted.
25 Jul, 2011
Thank you Bjs, I hadn't seen that. I wonder if it was the same designers? You know what they say . . . Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Look out for one in a garden near you! ;-))
25 Jul, 2011
Love that wall, wonder how long it would last?? and the price!!!!!! Lol.
27 Jul, 2011
20 years ago Grandmage, I would definitely have had a go at making one - I had more money and a good back then! ;-))
27 Jul, 2011
Know what you mean Muddy, at our stage/age in life you think twice about spending that much and even if you could you have to think about the old bones!! Lol. it is nice though.
27 Jul, 2011
Someone should get the people who make photographic printed table coverings to do a 'log wall' version. All you would need then would be an eyelet punch and some wire and stretchers.......the bees wouldn't like it and it might be a bit naff. No mess or sawdust or heaving into position....just a thought.
28 Jul, 2011
looks gorgeous but i would look even better on my wood burner :D
29 Jul, 2011
Oh PPFB - you Philistine! . . . lol ;-))
29 Jul, 2011
that's a neat idea, dry-stone wall in wood, with air vents buyilt in/ But over a grand? nahhhhhh!!!
30 Mar, 2014
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I would want one a lot longer than that one for that price, who did he think he was kidding eh Muddy! I do like it though, very clever idea, hope you had a good day, have you got any more pictures to post for us all to see please.
22 Jul, 2011