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I caught this group of Parrots checking out my neighbors roof eave vents. They're possibly looking for a nesting location. The parrots aren't native here but the flocks have naturalized and are growing in numbers yearly.

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Hey Neighbor.

Oh no! There goes the neighborhood! lol! :>)

These parrots have flown over the neighborhood for years...and sometimes they stop over in the trees in my front yard. Hope they don't move in the they can be so very noisy!

26 Jul, 2011


Great pic :o)))

26 Jul, 2011



It is a great photo! However, these parrots are very, very noisy! They've been causing all kinds of problems in many of San Diego's districts. Many wild parrot populations (all non-natives) have exploded over the last 4 to 5 years in California.

27 Jul, 2011


Thanks, Terratoonie

Andy, that's the house at the opposite corner across the street from you. They were fly back and forth between that house and your neighbors house on the south side of the street checking out the roof vents on each last Sunday.
I've heard them and have been seeing them around here for years. It's been hard to get a good picture though as they usually seem to move on by the time I get the camera.

27 Jul, 2011



That's too close! lol! :>)

I've always wondered where these parrots lived. They typically live in the very tall Eucalyptus trees or tall old Canary Date palms (Phoenix canariensis). When I lived in Oak Park, the parrot population (which I used to see all the time) lived in the huge, Eucalyptus forest around Chollas Lake. There's big parrot populations in Point Loma, Balboa Park, Ocean Beach and Pacific Beach/Mission Beach areas. I'm sure you've read about all the complaints at the beach communities. They've been waking up the younger crowds (who like to party until very late) early in the morning. lol!

27 Jul, 2011


I've heard they like to nest in the older thatch on palm trees though I've never seen it. I do hear and see them often and occasionally they will gather briefly on the wires above my backyard. That's usually until I get the camera.

27 Jul, 2011


You usually can never see them in the palm trees...they make their nests deep at the leaf base of the palm fronds.

At Point Loma I've seen them fly into the large Canary Island Date palms. It's amazing how they can disappear and still be heard. LOL! :>)

27 Jul, 2011

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