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my humble little bed...

my humble little bed...

things are finally settling in and with a little warmth and water they've grown and flowered. There is hosta Patriot, poppy (annual), Mallow (a pop up) and three clematis, Warsaw Nike, Gillian Blades, and C.tangutica.

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Ah, you brought Gillian with you! Mine has grown huge this year and produced...wait for it....1, yes uno, one, single flower! blooming clematis! :))

26 Jul, 2011


I was surprised that she survived all the moving about...she hasn't done much so far this season...the Nike came up and blossomed and some insect ate the blossoms to tatters! Gillian is sitting still...Nike has stopped...not doing anything...the tangutica, surprisingly, was the slowest off the mark but it's starting to grow and climb, it's a fall blooming clem anyway so it makes sense. Seems to be the rule for GB... I think I had two flowers last season in my other garden.

26 Jul, 2011


Just catching up here......Nice to see Hosta flowers standing so tall...We've been here for three years and I think its just this year almost all of our plants and shrubs have settled...allowing for new buys, and stuff that's been moved all takes time.....

18 Aug, 2011


I`m looking forward to next year for that reason,Crissue. At first I wanted to set the world on fire and do it all up right away...but the weather played a role in the delay...delay...delay and hubby suggested taking this season to see what was here and thriving on it`s own. Good advice...and i`ve found some great plants..(ex: there is a chelone, (turtle head) that is growing by the house...which at first I thought was monarda...great looking plant and it is starting to bloom....but the clump is rather small.. regardless I will have a pic up as soon as it`s in full bloom. great plant...native species. )

21 Aug, 2011


Hubs was right, even in the most overgrown of gardens, it's surprisng what little treasures may be hiding....

22 Aug, 2011


a lovely bed there lori ................. i am the same , wanting it NOW lol ............

25 Aug, 2011

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