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Slugs yuk


By Crissue

Slugs yuk

I thought Slugs liked fallen or rotting leaves...this one must be on desert, l00k at the size of this one...I don't think I've ever seen anything quite so big...and there were two...I gave them to the Chooks, and they just stood and looked at me lol...:))))

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lovely :D

28 Jul, 2011


Glad you think so Paul... lol...they had demolished a whole leaf stem each, by the time I caught that was at 6-30am...

28 Jul, 2011


They do seem big this year?

28 Jul, 2011


They've not been a big problem here, this far...I expect it's because it was so dry for so long...

28 Jul, 2011


Hate them and snails ;((

28 Jul, 2011


Me too Clarice, I normally give them to the Chickens, but these two they just weren't interested in :)))

Karen it's only since we've had those three odd days of RAIN it must have brought them out...hardly seen a snail, I think the chooks think they're on a diet...when we used to have day Lilies in the garden I could easily take 20 odd snails out, and still come back for more...

28 Jul, 2011


What a whopper!

28 Jul, 2011


He sure was Barbara...and so was his mate...:))))

28 Jul, 2011



28 Jul, 2011


Uuuuurgh! We don't get them in London!...(I WISH)...:)

28 Jul, 2011


Would you all like my neighbour's instructions and Charantais recipe for Escargots au Vin Blanc? lol!!

28 Jul, 2011


Not with slugs lol....eeww

I think Escargot is over rated...without the Garlic there's no taste, just chewy....Now Moules & Roquefort Sauce, yuuummy...

28 Jul, 2011


I like 'em both! No creatures which live in shells are safe around me...except tortoises...and, maybe, bulots (but even they are quite nice sometimes)! lol!!

Oh! and I forgot turtles...

28 Jul, 2011


yuk....couldn't do it...turtles...rather see them swimming....what's bulots??

28 Jul, 2011


Noooh Sue, I meant turtles are on the 'not to be eaten' list, lol! As for bulots...don't know what they are in English...pointy shells, come from the sea...have trap doors and...(don't read this if you're squeamish!)...could easily have come out of a very large nose!! lol!!!

28 Jul, 2011


Oh're terrible...defo not eating that then lol...
How about this then...that SLUG made it into GOpedia lol...
I meant to tell you, on the lane up to the old house at a certain of year, the frogs big and small leave from one side of the road to the other, and it's all woodland either side, and there are hundreds of them...and NO I did not collect used to drive, and I couldn't look, used to say to OH, drive slowly don't run them over, he would say blimey I'll have to drive on stilts to miss them...Never seen so many...

29 Jul, 2011


Going to be dipping in and out today, have a lot on, so enjoy whatever you all are doing...weathers good here anyway...x

29 Jul, 2011


dark and dismal with lots of grey cloud here, I shall not be on here much today, very busy elsewhere. Hope you have a good day too Crissue - bye for now.

29 Jul, 2011


I think I'm gonna be sick! lol Funny after being brought up in a fishing town..i only like other fish yuk! bleh!

29 Jul, 2011


Vile, vile, vile.

I'm not a fan of slugs!!

29 Jul, 2011


Me too...Frybo...:(((

29 Jul, 2011

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