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Datura wrightii


By Meanie

Datura wrightii (Datura wrightii)

After the disappointment of my D.metel mutating, at least my preferred Datura, wrightii, continues to perform brilliantly by producing lots of large (16 to 20cm across) fragrant blooms.

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thats huge ~ and fragrant too??

28 Jul, 2011


fragrent enough to knock you sideways!!

28 Jul, 2011


Couldn't have put it better myself Lulu! Between the Datura and the Lillies the garden is very fragrant!

28 Jul, 2011


fantastic ...

28 Jul, 2011


What a stunner

28 Jul, 2011


Thanks 6d and Surreylad!

29 Jul, 2011


Looks fab :o))

29 Jul, 2011


It's a great Datura (or weed as Delonix would call it!!) Mushy.

29 Jul, 2011


they had these in the GC today but they didnt look as good as yours!

29 Jul, 2011


Probably weren't!!!!!!!!!
How much were they Sticki?

29 Jul, 2011


oh sorry i forgot to look ~ they had 2, they were dying off and no scent.

29 Jul, 2011


They're rushing people ten to thirteen quid around here for 30/40cm "specimens".

29 Jul, 2011


wish i had looked now, just for comparison.
i havent heard that term 'rushing' before.
the flowers were about 10 across??

29 Jul, 2011


Ten centimetres or inches?
I was talking 30/40cm tall..........

29 Jul, 2011


oh sorry, not concentrating ~ 10 cm. flower roughly.

29 Jul, 2011


Ok, I've got my seeds now Keith...I love Datura, so thank you. I imagine they are quite tender, and reading this, they are smaller than the datura I had years ago which was about 6' tall? Should I sow them in the greenhouse, now or later? and do they need bottom heat or any special treatment? Perhaps you could give me same advice re. the Roscoea as well? Thanks very much! :))

10 Nov, 2011


The "Datura" that you had years ago was probably Brugmansia - hangy down flowers?

Sow them mid January. Soak them for 24hrs, starting off with water that was boiled 10mins earlier. 2 or 3mm deep. Mine just get stood on the window sill over the radiator.

Roscoea - not a clue I'm afraid.

10 Nov, 2011


That's ok Keith. Thank you, that fits in with my holiday perfectly, as I shall be home on 17th Jan! Great. Yes, quite right, it was Brugmansia...they never seem to be able to decide on the name of it do they? ;)

11 Nov, 2011


Brugs hang, Daturas stand!
Check this one out - Brugmansia vulcanicola..........

11 Nov, 2011


Oh yes, that is very, very a good sunset!

11 Nov, 2011


Rather stunning I thought!

11 Nov, 2011


I think we are living in the wrong country fact, I think we are on the wrong continent! lol ;)

11 Nov, 2011


I'm with you 100% there!
Bali, NZ or the Canaries though?

11 Nov, 2011


Hmmm...probably NZ for's like Scotland, but with decent weather! Yes, that's the answer.

11 Nov, 2011


Aaah but, in Bali I could grow this.................

11 Nov, 2011


Whoa, yes, there is that Keith, but then you'd be melting all the blooming day long! :))

12 Nov, 2011


Bali is too lovely to worry about the heat Karen!

12 Nov, 2011


:) Yes, you're probably right Keith....booked your flight yet? ;)

13 Nov, 2011


Her ladyship says "no way"!

13 Nov, 2011


Well, looks like we're stuck here for the time being then! However, I am having 2 weeks in St Lucia in January, and I shall get a good 'fix' of exotics then!

13 Nov, 2011


I've never been to the Caribbean........will you be going on a seed hunt?!

14 Nov, 2011


Probably not Keith....but we will visit the Botanic Gardens...they are lovely. Last time we were there I saw a humming bird's egg in it's nest...size of a tic-tac!

14 Nov, 2011


Almost seems perverse having a botanic garden that close to the tropics!!!

14 Nov, 2011


yes, I know what you mean! ;)

14 Nov, 2011


I'd love to know what they consider ultra-tropical there........

14 Nov, 2011


Well, I think the focus is on showing off all the things that they can grow there....but I will certainly have a look to see what is 'rare' for you...and take my camera! :)

14 Nov, 2011


I always think of them as a place to grow plants that are not only unusual, but challenging also - maybe they should introduce a chilled glasshouse!

15 Nov, 2011


lol...yes, if only they could afford it! Their Botanic Garden is more a place for the tourists to learn about the coffee, spices, bananas, etc.etc. It is fascinating! Have a look at...

15 Nov, 2011


That looks truly spectacular!

15 Nov, 2011

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