By Lawley

28 Jul, 2011
A nice serendipity! just appeared.
Comments on this photo
Yes Cirssue, I love Lupins too and was delighted to see that this one had just appeared on it's own, it is growing in a part of the garden that has shade most of the day.
1 Aug, 2011
I would like to grow them again, and have just one left, I popped it mainly out of frustration really, near to one of my young Delphis, and it took to that spot so easily...The only downside, if there is a downside its a hotspot in summer....Have decided to grow mine from seed too..just can't afford to buy and keep losing its such a waste...
7 Aug, 2011
I hope you have more success Crissue, growing from seed is a good idea, the cost of buying any plant now a days is quite expensive, so the more I can grow from seed the better and so satisfying. I am always trying to swap a plant or two with friends and family. Are plants and seeds as dear to buy in in your part of the world as they are in England.
7 Aug, 2011
I think in some cases they are dearer than UK and we haven't got the choices, or the amount of GC either, so go on line to Nurseries, which are cheaper if you buy in France, but to buy on line from UK the postage can be very expensive, and some of that is down to tax levied by France on it's a bit of a catch 22 situation....If I had more room to grow from seed I would, at the moment i've got some Rose cuttings growing...and early in the year I try to get my veg started its a bit of a squeeze...:o)) but true as you say very rewarding to grow your own if you can...I do geranium cuttings also when I bring my baskets in, and over winter them...and I've got Zonals this year, which will over winter too, and was hoping to take cuttings from them too for next year....decisions decisions....:o))
7 Aug, 2011
Thank you Crissue, They say you learn something new every day, I have just googled Zonals as I have never heard a plant called that, turns out they are one of my favorite summer plants, Pelargonium! I too try to take cuttings and over winter them but my greenhouse is not really big enough for all the cuttings and seeds. I order on line if there is a good price, I have just received my order of Wallflower plug plants 160 for £9.99 and no postage, same price and amount for fragrant pansy which I am waiting for. Just got to pot them on and find room in the greenhouse! :-))
7 Aug, 2011
Oh Fragrant Pansies sounds lovely...probably smell lovely too...wish I could find some bargains too, I'll keep trying...I just remembered, I had a packet of Brompton Stock, sent to me by a friend in UK...and a few weeks ago I did two rows in the garden where I can keep my eye on them, and they are up and doing well...I shall wait until a bit later, then transplant them into where I want them for next year....Good old fashioned Perfumed flower....
Glad you like Zonals...I did two Baskets this year with Grasses in the Middle...and they are coming into their own now, so I would like to keep them...The grasses will be ok I'll just pot them up...and I normally take trailing geranium cuttings, then I have enough for baskets and a pot or two for the next year....I did try and get one of those little portable greenhouses, but by the time I got my head around it, SOLD out...:o))
8 Aug, 2011
Stocks smell georgous and remind me of my mum she loved them. All the cuttings I took last year I lost, along with a few pots of precious plants, I need to buy a heater for the greenhouse, never needed one before but I am not going to take any risks this year! I have a portable greenhouse whch I have put inside my glass greenhouse for extra protection to the plants, I got that idea from a GOY member.... :-))
8 Aug, 2011
That's a good idea, I have my little sun room I can use, but it will have to be next year now, as they wont be stocking mini greenhouses till then...One of the members uses their spare room for overwintering, so I thought I might do the same, as our second bedroom is for guests...and i've got an old spare table in garage...I hadn't thought of that lol ...o))
Shame you lost your Stocks...they do smell gorgeous, it's a shame with some of the newer species, look good, no scent...and I love to smell different perfumes as I go around the garden don't you !!
8 Aug, 2011
That's another good idea Crissue! using the guest room, I could bring in the more delicate ones in when the weather here turns below zero. Ahh my postman has just arrived with the 160 plug scented pansies so looks like I have got to find time to get down in the greenhouse and pot them up in between the rain! :-))
8 Aug, 2011're a happy bunny then...:o))
8 Aug, 2011
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Just love Lupins...not had much luck growing them in this Garden, but may just have found a spot...That's a very happy healthy one...
31 Jul, 2011