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Bought a tray of 6 plants from our corner shop, and this is two of the plants.
1pink and 1 red.

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Beauties you ve got there, I use to play with these like finger puppets when I was a kid, called them snap dragons.

28 Jul, 2011


Me too. My Grandfather used to grow them, and showed me the way they could talk.
I've been showing my Granddaughter now. So it's gone through the generations. lol.

28 Jul, 2011


Lol its lovely when we pass things on if not it would all be lost for ever, even though I played it with my kids they never pass it on to their children its left all to me which is a shame how society has be come children are small adults now are nt they.

28 Jul, 2011


I remember my Grandfather wanting to cut the grass, (in those days, with a shears) the garden would be full of daisies, and I wouldn't let him start until I'd picked them all.
He'd be stooped on the garden helping me, and saying, 'I'll never get the grass done at this rate'.
I'd let him do it then, while I sat on the frontdoor step making daisy chains.
I still remember tellling him he looked like a grasshopper, as he was so tall, and when he squat, his knees would be sticking up either side of shoulders, and he just reminded me of a grasshopper. lol.

28 Jul, 2011


Lol your poor grand father I know what its like to cut the lawn with shears, yes daisy chains you dont see kids doing that now a days either, when I first asked my grand daughter if they wanted to make a daisy chain they asked what one was and which shop do we go to buy the stuff lol.

28 Jul, 2011


I'm hoping now, with the little granddaughter in the garden with me, I'm teaching her as we go.
It's suprising how quick she picks things up. Even remembering the names of the plants.
I use to spend a lot of time with my grandfather in the garden, and learnt a lot from him as well as my Dad.
I'm far from perfect, but I get by.
My Grandmother loved a vase of flowers in the house, and Dahlias were among her favourites. All those years ago, I still remember her saying, to gently tap and shake the dahlia before taking it indoors, as the earwigs liked to live in them.
She'd go up the back garden then, and cut the leaves off a couple of carrots and use them as fern. lol.

28 Jul, 2011


What lovely memories you have Linda and yes the little ones pick the names up quicker than the adults as does my 5 year old grand daughter as she knows more than her mum my daughter lol. Yes eariwigs do go into the dahlias and what a great idea of the fern of the carrots, they now say place damp news paper are the base and the eariwigs will go into that instead.

28 Jul, 2011


Don't grow Dahlias myself for that reason. I hate Earwigs. Probably scarred for life by my Grandmother telling me that at a young age. lol.

28 Jul, 2011


Lol I don't blame you one bit .

28 Jul, 2011


Lol. :o)

28 Jul, 2011

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