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Fragrant Cloud

Fragrant Cloud

It certainly is living up to its name, new rose - just put it in a little bit of a border which I dug out of grass alongside the seated area. Need another couple of nice roses to go with it, thinking that a fragrant cream one go well with it but not sure which one - any ideas please?

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1 Aug, 2011


thank you Franny, it is amazing the perfume and the form of this rose, I love it.

1 Aug, 2011


Beautiful rose!

1 Aug, 2011


thank you Michaella.

1 Aug, 2011


When I asked about cream plants/shrubs for a border, one Rose suggested by Tetrarch was Denman, grows 3-4ft., strong fragrance & I'll PM you where to order it from as don't want to get flagged for advertsing ... lol!

1 Aug, 2011


thank you Shirley that is kind of you.

1 Aug, 2011


You're very welcome! ... :o))

1 Aug, 2011


Have had a look shirley it isn't available, shame, tried googling it also and not found anywhere YET!! will keep looking though. Found others - one Whiter shade of Pale (quite pink really) but v.nice and supposedly strong fragrance and Silver Wedding strongly fragrant, (which I thought I had bought but no I have two of Silver Anniversary and they are not scented, very disappointing). Will maybe go with those two though as they are supposed to be very fragrant, if it is only to please the O H. Will post a picture of them when I finally make up my mind lol. I might change it a dozen times yet.

1 Aug, 2011


Beautiful, absolutely lovely. Why not go for a miniature rose so you get a contrast of shape and size of flower too..

1 Aug, 2011


I have thought of that in between the primulas, have some on the other side of the pathway. Not sure yet what I will do, only bought the one rose because it was the only one that was perfumed. It is really lovely, what a find. It wasn't at the g.c. first visit I made and then went back with the girls to have a wander around and there it was. Result eh!!

1 Aug, 2011


Meant. Perhaps not a small rose as they are rarely scented at all. I have a couple of cream ones on my wishlist....Crocus rose and Jude the Obscure. Jude would look gorgeous beside this as it is almost peach but not quite. Sort of Buff colour really. I think they are two of the 'strongly' scented ones too.

1 Aug, 2011


looked at Claire Austin, like that one will look at these later thanks Karen.

1 Aug, 2011


Not Jude the Obscure for there, wanted a more cream or white, liked Winchester Cathedral,(see what you think to that one) just seen it wonder if that would be too white though.

Wanted to steer clear of oranges/lemons/peaches as the climbers up the playpen area are all that colour or ranges of those colours, all lovely but wanted something different in this little border here.

Realised today whilst browsing roses that I have two Silver Anniversary and the one that smells nice is Silver Wedding, oops, may go with that one because it is supposed to be highly perfumed. It explains why there is no scent on the two I have not to worry the colour is the thing I went for with those, why do they have to be such similar names?!LOL

1 Aug, 2011


Ah yes, I have Winchester Cathedral. It is very white. Crocus rose looks lovely doesn't it, now, I saw a lovely cream rose recently somewhere.....actually cream is quite an unusual colour in a rose isn't it...almost always pale lemon or peach in reality. Hang on, let me have a look at mags...ah yes, it was in Gardens Illustrated...Rose of the Year 2011...Joie de Vivre, but creamy pink, not really cream. ' Delicately perfumed' (aka not much pong!).

2 Aug, 2011


The creamest rose I have is my little patio rose, but it doesn't have any scent at all. Actually I think 'Alba Semi Plena' would be has hips, very strong scent (they use it to make perfumes) and smaller double flowers which would give you the contrast...and it's truly cream! :))

2 Aug, 2011


Have Joie de Vivre, lovely rose, not a lot of scent. but very pretty rose. Will look at Alba Semi Plena that sounds nice.

2 Aug, 2011


Love this rose Olive, its one of my most scented in the garden .

4 Aug, 2011


Yes it is highly scented Rose, but the rain has bashed it these last couple of days, it was covered in blooms and a few are now on the floor, hope it keeps going for a while yet. When I have finished it all I will post a picture on here then you will see it in its finished state. thanks for taking the time to look. - Barbara (Oliveoil)

5 Aug, 2011


Looking forward to seeing it Olive and i'm sure your rose will pick up.

5 Aug, 2011


Hi Olive, the front cover of DA's Handbook of Roses has a smashing white rose "William & Catherine" an Old English Rose, fragrance of myrrh.

You could try these websites, I have been given by another very kind blogger.

6 Aug, 2011


DA's William & Catherine is pure white and scented.

OOps thought my first reply had been lost and this was a short one.

6 Aug, 2011


Hi Grannyb, thanks for that, have got a copy of the handbook, the only trouble with their comments is I have found that what they call scented and what I call scented are two totally different things. They say that Pat Austin is scented it is not in my garden, well only very very lightly. We were talking the other day about it and I believe that soil plays a part in perfuming of roses a bit like hydrangeas and colours. I bought Fragrant Cloud from a G.C. after walking up and down the isles smelling all the roses, think folks thought I was bonkers. lol. but if you want a rose that smells it is the only way. This little bit of border has been specially dug for perfumed roses as my o.h. likes scented roses. Think I have found some that smell enough for him. If you saw the list I have it is going to cost me an arm and a leg to pay for them all. I need some up the long path to the new trellis framework also. Am saving up now getting ready to order. lol. Dare not tell o h how much it is going to cost, have cut down the original order too. lol.
you only live once I keep saying to him. bless they have no idea how much things cost. He is the same when buying anything. He never goes and sees how stuff has increased over the years. thanks again.

6 Aug, 2011


One I can recommend for scent is DA's "Jacques Cartier" I have this next to my garden bench, but is pale pink along side "Mustead Wood" deep burgandy colour. Both flower really well for long periods.

As these are in pots at the moment, I have planted stock in with them which adds to the scent, especially on a warm evening, such as it was here last night. (Didin't last long it's raining today).

I bought both "Charles Darwin and Crown Princess Margareta and have been disappointed with their scent.

"Chambon" is one that had no scent over the last two years, but now at almost the end of flowering she has a scent of Black Pepper, is the only way I can describe it.

In his book "The English Rose" DA talks about fragrance.

He says"A rose can be fragrant today and less so tomorrow" and that "often weather conditions vary so much" and goes on to say "it is not the weather on the day we sniff the rose so much as what it was like the day before that influences its fragrance.

You do, I think what many people and myself included do at GC when buying roses sniff them all.

I agree with you I think where your garden is and where the rose is situated affects the overall strength of scent along with the weather conditions.

Your OH and mine must be twins, he is exactly the same when it comes to buying something. He hasn't got a clue, sometimes I think this is for the best.

Hope you find what your looking for and that your scented border is amazing. I look forward to seeing photos in due course.

6 Aug, 2011


Thank you Grannyb, for all your good information and your best wishes. Thanks x

7 Aug, 2011


Hi Barbara...lovely Rose...I have ordered Whiter Shade of Pale bare rooted with another for delivery in Nov...but I'll have a look through DA's cat for you, unless you've chosen already....

7 Aug, 2011


Thanks Crissue but yes I have made my final list now, I have been pondering the catalogue for days and days. Final list is:-

Climbers Etoille de Holland and Pauls Lemon Pillar
and for the border up towards the new trellis where these two climbers are going:

Miss Alice, Brother Cadfael, Munstead Wood and Sharifa Asma

and for the little piece of border that I have just dug out for a new rose bed I am having Wollerton Old Hall or Whiter Shade of Pale. think it might be Wollerton Old Hall though if I could only make up my mind once and for all. lol. it will go alongside Fragrant Cloud which is so lovely at the moment.

I am also ordering bare root for November will work out a bit cheaper less expense on delivery eh! Trying to keep a hold on my pension for as long as possible. lol. Some would say just stinking mean. lol.

7 Aug, 2011


I can only buy that way because of the postage to France, but it gives me something else to look forward to.. :o)) love yours choices...aren't we spoiled for choice took me ages just to pick

8 Aug, 2011


I know I have churned them over, crossed them off put them back on, turned them out again and then I settled for the ones which had perfume and a nice form so I am hoping not to be disappointed with them. The list was so long, you can spend a fortune and you are right the postage and packaging costs are tremendous. Do they add on a lot for delivery to France? I think they are cheeky because they want the custom and the price they charge never corresponds to the packaging they put around them. I suppose it does if they are in pots though. But I have found over the years that the packaging and postage is nearly half what they charge. Not just rose places all shopping channels are charging over the top for delivery charges. I did once challenge a firm and got nowhere so I just go with it now. I have gone with if you want it it is worth it. lol.

8 Aug, 2011


It's cheaper Barbara If they are bare rooted, first its the weight, and then the Tax they get charged for importing to it's not really their fault I've come across this before..and some UK company won't ship for that reason...I would love a couple of Standard Roses, but can you imagine the cost...OH says there's a GC (quite an expensive one) that does have DA's Roses, so I might look...then compare...Other than that I'll just have to save

8 Aug, 2011


B&Q reduce there standard roses every year, i paid £5 for mine. Should of been £25.. In a few weeks when the leaves are dropping, thats when there reduced.. Check it out girls :)))) you might get a bargain..

8 Aug, 2011


Wish that I could Youngdaisy...but i'm not in I'll just have to stay here and sulk lol....:o)))

8 Aug, 2011


Awww Crissue, I should of remembered you arent in the UK, Im a fool sometimes hahaha..

8 Aug, 2011


No matter...:o))

8 Aug, 2011


just had a thought Crissue, when you go on DA website you have to click on which ever country's flag you wish to order from. Maybe they have a website for the French site. Just an idea, don't know if it is in french presumably it is. Although you are probably fluent in the language, I cannot speak anything but English and that sometimes is not that good. lol.

8 Aug, 2011


So kind Barbara, I tried's all in French..they still come from UK....They've sent me two Catalogues, both in French Lol...but I still wander through them, and no I'm not fluent, broken French is what you call mine...but funnily enough I'm's OH who's grammatically correct lol....:o)) By the way if I do choose a Climbing Rose for the Obelisk I can add it too my existing order for November...

9 Aug, 2011


Ooops the list is growing l o n g e r..........tell o h sorry for the influence but I just cannot help it. lol :o)

9 Aug, 2011


:o)))) he smiles....

10 Aug, 2011


Hi Oliveoil, can you tell me if you are pleased with Brother Cadfael? Karensusan has been very helpful on my new blog and I have seen many on here extoll the virtues of BC and it does look beautiful.....:-)

3 Oct, 2011


Will do not yet got it only just ordered from DA roses, but I am sure it will be good if Karen says it is. I am so looking forward to them arriving, it is exciting. I was the same last year and then when they arrived the snow had come down and it was Ice Ice and more Ice for weeks. I thought they would not survive and the poor little things then were eaten off by the rabbits and they have never really recovered. I am hoping that once we get some reasonable amounts of rain we shall get them bursting into life again. Think when the new ones arrive I shall sit out in the garden with an air rifle and shoot the little b.....s. lol. if you knew me you would know that that was an impossible task for me to do. lol. I am too soft. lol.

3 Oct, 2011


PS Bornagain, I am trying to get as many perfumed roses in the garden as oh likes 'smelly' ones, he is not into gardening but loves 'smelly' roses lol hope they are all as good as they are supposed to be. lol

3 Oct, 2011


That's the problem Olive, they sound and look brilliant in the brochure...droolingly lovely. Karen hasn't got Brother Cadfael as far as I know and although I really wanted to go to David Austins as it's not really far from where I live, it's a very complicated journey on public transport. I just wanted to see them in the flesh before I bought:-)

3 Oct, 2011

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