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That is gorgeous Alex!!

1 Aug, 2011


I agree...:>)

2 Aug, 2011


Thanks Meanie and Motinot.

2 Aug, 2011



2 Aug, 2011


Thank you Nana d.

3 Aug, 2011



Well, that looks extremely familiar! lol! :>)

Beautiful shot!

8 Aug, 2011


Thanks Delonix...

Oleander seem to be the most widely grown shrub in Greece.
Mine are self seeding in the garden. I need to get rid of most of them.

8 Aug, 2011


Oleander is very widely grown in California, also. It's so widely grown along the freeways, and was exclusively used as a freeway divider.

Oleander in CA. has been attacked by the Oleander Leaf Scorch which is killing shrubs all along the southern U.S., however, there's so many varieties (some may be resistant to this bacterial disease) which grow here. There's many dwarf forms which only grow to 3ft/1m - 6ft/2m., these are widely grown at shopping centers.

8 Aug, 2011


how very beautiful

9 Aug, 2011


That is a really, really nice one! it the culprit, by any chance...?

9 Aug, 2011


Yes Karen,,,,,this is the one!!! Hubby took care of half the problem. One more days work and all done.

11 Aug, 2011


Sad...but necessary...!

11 Aug, 2011


Thank you Stickitoffee.

11 Aug, 2011


Oh no Karen,,,,we didn't chop it down (yet), he needs it for shade. OH placed wood around the base of the tree and then he's adding a net over the pen to keep the flowers out.

11 Aug, 2011


Oh! What a good solution...just making it dogproof! :))

11 Aug, 2011

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