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Rhodochiton - "Purple Bell Vine"


By Meanie

Rhodochiton - "Purple Bell Vine" (Rhodochiton atrosanguineus (Rhodochiton))

I've only just noticed these in bloom as they're growing in amongst the Thunbergia.

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very nice.
what colour would you call that?

3 Aug, 2011


Very nice, I really like this plant, haven't grown one for a couple of years must have another go.

3 Aug, 2011


love the colour Meanie..

4 Aug, 2011


I'd say that the calyx is purple, with the flower itself being a near black purple.
I've grown these for several years PA, and it's nice to see it becoming more popular. I can't believe what garden centres charge for them though - they're so easy from (good) seed!
It's a cracking little climber SL and does well in a pot too.

4 Aug, 2011


Its a beauty wonderful deep colour love it, you missed it cause your spoilt for choice Meanie lol he he

4 Aug, 2011


They are one of the annuals to grow 6d.

5 Aug, 2011


I ll look out for them then

5 Aug, 2011


shame it's just an annual Meanie...
Sixpence you can get them from £2.59

5 Aug, 2011



That's a beauty!

7 Aug, 2011


It certainly is Delonix, although best grown on its own as I've discovered this year - it's not aggressive enough to cope with competition.

8 Aug, 2011


I've seen very large specimens of this vine growing in tall trees at Strybing Arboretum in San Francisco. I think over 2 or 3 years your vine will take over a huge area.

10 Aug, 2011


Sadly, it will not survive the winter. Best grown as an annual, and easy too. One seed pod gives me more than enough to share!

10 Aug, 2011


Oh, that's too bad! :>(

This vine is native to Southern Mexico (from what I've read)...I guess it's somewhat tender to cold.

10 Aug, 2011


shame it doesnt last through the winter it would make great christmas lights!!!

10 Aug, 2011


It'll take cold (ie; in the garage) and just go dormant, but not frost.

10 Aug, 2011

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This photo is of "Rhodochiton "Purple Bell Vine"" in Meanie's garden

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