By Rusty_shovel

3 Aug, 2011
Japanese for sweater. She is a small Maine Coon cat, and heavy as a cinder block. She's not the smartest of cats, and she is rather shy. She showed up in the patio one fall, stayed outside all winter eating whatever I took out. She had a litter of kittens in a nasty snow storm, on the concrete. We ended up making them a nice cardboard home, lots of towels, blankets under and over, and a tarp to keep out the wind and blowing snow. I finally got her and the kittens moved into the house by bringing in the kittens first, and she followed. She weighs about 14 pounds, solid as rocks. When she sits on you, you know she's there!
Comments on this photo
It's like there is an invisible sign over the patio that only cats, maybe dogs, can see. ALL ARE WELCOME HERE.
We had one cat, Squeeker, who would bring FRIENDS home with her. I swear she would say, come over to our house, mom loves company. She was rescued from Savannah Georgia, where a close friend moved. Her neighbor locked the kitten in his patio closet for the day. She took to visiting my friend's home across the adjoining decks. My friend snatched her the last day I was there and I took her home. We catnapped her. She lived to 18 years, so much better than life in a closet. She took one look at the yard and said.. NO PROBLEM.
3 Aug, 2011
She is gorgeous Rusty. You must be very please she chose you :)
Did the kittens survive? If so did you find them homes or keep them?
3 Aug, 2011
Hi Rusty...I remember her in fact I think I've got a pic of her in my favs...How's she doing, she looks fine and dandy...:o))
4 Aug, 2011
Kittens all made it. Gave the two boys to my cousin they spent too much time outside, too close to a busy road. They are gone.
The girls live here. One outside almost all the time. the other one, Binkie, stays inside, with only an occasional outside venture. She was out all last evening, came running in at 4:30 this morning, hungry.
4 Aug, 2011
Gorgeous kitty! I always say, that a cat will always find it's proper owner, and I think it's happened again!
4 Aug, 2011
If that is true I must be a cat person. It might be we are the last house on the road. Or the place smells "mousie".
5 Aug, 2011
or they can smell the good food lol.... :o)))))
5 Aug, 2011
Might be! All sorts of critters wander thru. I have seen two deer in the patio side of the yard. Rather strange for a suburban place. Although the police have told me that we are close enough (not sure about that) to a railroad that deer will follow it to some green place. We are fenced in, how does that work?
There is a apartment complex within 1/2 mile from here where the previous dog and I used to hike. They have a pool behind which is a large wooded area, with a culvert under a very busy highway. Lots of groundhogs there, which Boomer loved to hunt. One time I heard hoofbeats, looked up and saw a deer.
Bogie and I used to walk close to there during our early morning hike because it is well lit and at 4 AM in dark that is almost a necessity. This past spring a black bear was camping in the same area as I saw the deer. Hey.. he was in bear heaven.. woods, a great 'cave' (the culvert) and lots of trash dumpsters to raid. Well after that sighting and capture, I decided NOT to hike there anymore because Bogie seeing a bear would lead to me having to let go of him or be dragged face first down the sidewalk, neither of which seems fun.
At least I get lots of true stories from my hikes. Never just a plain ole walk, it's always some adventure when you take a dog that lives and loves to hunt things, of any kind. This morning he found a wrapped up Twinkle (individual cake thing), he had to carry it home. Tried to open it, but ended up biting into it. Managed to squeeze out a taste or two. Guess it wasn't to his liking. I ended up having to trash it. Lucky me!
just back from a 40 minute hike. Blue is now tired and I am officially sweaty. Soon time for the shower and doc. have to call the aunt to tell her our family doctor as passed, 98 - not to shabby.
Been thinking about getting the odd ingredients for COOKIES.. Getting into the mind set already. soon as I am done with two more rooms of housecleaning, it will be time to start getting serious about ingredients, before the costs go out of sight.
XOX from all of us critters here in the states.
5 Aug, 2011
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They do say cats choose their owners? Sounds as if she liked to look of you!
3 Aug, 2011