The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Crissue


A freebie from the birds I of 4..... In relation to the arch you can see how tall it is...4 buds waiting to burst....

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nice sized leaves

23 Aug, 2011


I believe it's a field Sunflower, looks very similar to what the farmers grow around here....but this one has four buds in the top...which I can't get too, cos I'm a short it wont be a dinner plate bloom....I don't think.
Sunflowers don't seem to have insect problems, so their leaves mainly stay looking fresh and green...and big..

24 Aug, 2011


Its huge! lol Mine has been eaten by something..there are holes in like most of my pants! Getting fed up of spraying and putting pellets down..seem to have rather a lot of beasties in the garden this year.

24 Aug, 2011


Pix lol you crack me up....why on earth tell everyone you've got holes inmost of your pants....:)))))))))))

Went out to the top of garden where the Sunflower is, and there was a bally great hole in one of the leaves...after me saying nothing really bothers them...:)))

24 Aug, 2011


OMG! lololol Omg my typing! hahaha didnt realise Sue lol
My pants are fine btw!!!!!! LOL
Aw no..

25 Aug, 2011


Morning Pix....glad you saw the funny side of it...I couldn't stop laughing....:)))
For sure you can always guarantee a

25 Aug, 2011


Haha and hafl the time I dont even mean it lol :)

25 Aug, 2011


Still no sign of the flower opening yet...but its not that warm here today...

25 Aug, 2011


Some of the leaves on my Sunflowers are decimated ... went out last evening with a torch ... only to find two snails at full stretch having a feast ... :o((( I've just made up a jug of your Garlic spray mix, Sue ... that should see them off tomorrow :o)))

25 Aug, 2011


I love it when I find a Snail Shirley, my chooks get to fight over who has the treat....When I had two big clumps of Day Lilies I could guarantee collecting about twenty odd snails...from each...did the girls love them...:)))
After the heavy rain and wind we had last night, it brought my big Sunflower down...luckily, it didn't I've wedged my spade behind it, unti I can get to build the soil up a bit....and OH can hammer a post in and tie it...
Just when you think a plant is safe, those slugs and snails will climb up another plant, and drop on to your most tasty specimen...Glad the Garlic mix works for doesn't kill anything just puts them off...I've got two bottles, have been made up for weeks...took the top off one yesterday, and wow, it nearly blew my head longer it's left the more pongy it is....

26 Aug, 2011


LOL... Crissue that sounds like a great idea...There is a company in the US that makes and sells a garlic spray to kill/discourage mosquitoes and ticks...they say a gallon will cover an average sized yard. (for about $85 US) My sunflower (also a gift...from a chipmunk, I think) is not that tall but it is growing in an area that has been used to park cars and trucks...I raked the area and had a little pile of wood chips...I think the little rodent was using it for storage! It's still standing and producing a very large head of seeds... Good luck, I hope the staking works for yours. Big storm headed our way over the weekend (tail end of hurricane Irene) so I hope mine is still standing on Monday morning!

27 Aug, 2011


Lori...I wrote a blog on garlic spray for aphids, if you get time to read it...You can make your own for just the cost of the garlic Bulb or two...big difference to $85...
Finger x'd for your Sunflower too...Ours is now tied in, so hopefully safe...

27 Aug, 2011


God yes! Make your own! lol I have used it but still something eats my sunflower, lupins, rudbeckia and hop plant!!!! Just cant find what it is. I have tree snails and slugs I pellets down too, tried beer in jars..which works but then it also attracts at No.57! lol

27 Aug, 2011


I used to find that with beer brings more in to the party...:)))
When things were really bad with aphids or whatever one I was trying to deter, I would go out everyday and spray, until they got the message...

27 Aug, 2011


Well I guess we have had so much rain..that it keeps wiping it off! Grrrrrr!

27 Aug, 2011


That's possible...

27 Aug, 2011


Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! lol

27 Aug, 2011



28 Aug, 2011


Rainy and windy here!

28 Aug, 2011


:(((( put your feet up for a change...:)))

28 Aug, 2011


I did tonight! :)

28 Aug, 2011


Good Good...glad you rested...

Sunflower beginning to open, pleased it survived after getting blown over....:))

29 Aug, 2011


Oh thats great! Mine has 3 more buds on it..the Rudbeckia has lots..none are opening not enough sun!
Its shining hopefully...:)

29 Aug, 2011

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