Pieris - Forest Flame
By Crissue

23 Aug, 2011
OH favourite Shrub...sporting lots of new growth, can't wait for the gorgeous Red to show through....
Comments on this photo
Love this one - one of my favourites too, but we have to grow it in a raised bed - haven't got your acid soil!
24 Aug, 2011
Aye Pixi...he's still a wandering in the garden...:o)))
Sheila, I didn't like our soil when we moved here, and we have enriched those parts where plants need more ooomph...but on the whole almost everything does really well....OH loves this...
Thanks all who like it...
24 Aug, 2011
:) I like him!
25 Aug, 2011
I love this wee man, he's different...and so typical of the liitle old man tending his veg plot here...no disrespect..Some men are working their plot until they are really elderly, I don't know how they do it, if it were me I would be buried in the plot by now lol....still they've done it all their life, so no biggy...
And the cat just gives it the edge...I'm definitely a cat person....:)))))
25 Aug, 2011
me too :) cant stay long..Rick is coming soon!
25 Aug, 2011
Oh that's nice, did you see your pic yet...!!
25 Aug, 2011
Havent taken it yet! lol
25 Aug, 2011
27 Aug, 2011
27 Aug, 2011
That is very pretty, one of my favorite shrubs but for some reason have always struggled with it. I planted a Mountain Fire Pieris between two rhododendrons and it didn't survive the winter. That one is very pretty, it must be happy there!
3 Sep, 2011
Thanks Rk...I don't know whether it's the soil or position or perhaps both....We have gritty light Sandy Soil...some we enrich for plants and shrubs that need it, and some we leave...I didn't used to like this Acidic Soil after leaving a garden that was really rich...but I've found so many plants and shrubs that are happy with it...I've grown to like it...This is the second Pieris that OH has had, the first one in our other Garden didn't grow well at all...This one we've had since we've been here, just over three years...so that might tell you something...
4 Sep, 2011
I love my acidic sandy soil, I can usually grow anything even if I do have to amend a few areas. I've been able to grow Mountain laurels, rhododendrons and a few other broadleafs but I think water dripped off the roof onto the Pieris in the winter and froze. Seeing yours makes me miss it!
6 Sep, 2011
Ah well I was right to stick to what the plants were telling me then...:))))
The Heathers should do ok then...they are planted in the same soil with a bit of mulch dug in in Autumn....
I also get a lot of worms too...something that didn't exist when we first moved here, as the ground was just a dog play pen...and had just one tree growing a Rhus...since the soil has been worked over the three years we've been here, lots of worms are happily doing their job...
6 Sep, 2011
I havent seen a worm in my garden for years!!!!!!
6 Sep, 2011
Morning Pixi....
There were none here when we arrived, and I didn't see much until this year, when I've noticed an all round improvment in settled Plants Shrubs etc, and soil...we need the worms, they do a great job....
I've even thought about a Wormery, I'm quite interested in that...but I haven't had much time to look into it all as yet...Have you got an area where you do your composting...they love getting in there, and then it all goes back to the garden when it's broken down...
6 Sep, 2011
No I dont really have room for that..but thought maybe next year of getting a compost bin and keep in fat neighbours garden..also keeping a lot of odd seeds to throw amnogst his overgrown grass..maybe will have a wild meadow there soon lol I need to get worms!
6 Sep, 2011
We made a small one at the end of the veg plot under part of the Honeysuckle, which by the way is flowering yet again...
That's prob. a good idea if he doesn't mind...I'd love a wild patch to throw odd seeds into...would be nice for sure...:)))
Am making Marmalade Jam today, so am going off line very soon...it's going to take a while...Enjoy your day x
6 Sep, 2011
He said I could use his garden if I wanted..but omg still not got a rotovator..Rick cant really get one up here. :(
MMm marmalade!
6 Sep, 2011
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Lovely..I cant wait to see that too!
See that me man and his cat are still walking about in your garden! ;)
24 Aug, 2011