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Heuchera 'Fireworks'

Heuchera 'Fireworks'

I visited my local nursery today and was so thrilled to pick up two new heucheras and a heucherella....cheered me right up!

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You are so lucky to have a GC that stocks these beauties Karen...The only Heuchera i can obtain here is 'purple palace'...:>)

28 Aug, 2011


Thats really lovely

28 Aug, 2011


Same here Motinot, I dont see them at the GCs i visit. Lucky you Karensue, ohh that rhymes lol..I fancy a Heuchera bed in my front garden next year..

28 Aug, 2011


Yes, indeed! The nursery in question is new, only a couple of years old. It is a great little place, with lots of hardy geraniums, alpines, fuchsias, shrubs (grown in Scotland) and a large poly tunnel full of made up baskets and planters and lots of bedding. It's a great little nursery with good prices too! I shall be going there a lot more often I think, especially after I saw all their lovely heucheras today. The big GC (dobbies) has two...palace purple and a green one if I remember rightly..nothing much interesting there these days, and a lot more expensive.

28 Aug, 2011


Perhaps it is as well we dont have a GC like yours Karen....I'd never be out of it!...:>)

29 Aug, 2011's only small, but it's certainly well-stocked!

29 Aug, 2011


Your lime green one looks a lot healthier than mine, I have just put it back in a pot to see if it will pick up.

30 Aug, 2011


It is in the shade all day long Annie. The ones that have been exposed to sunlight are taking for ever to recover...Alabama said on the label to plant them in full sun!!!! so I put them in the front garden, where they stayed for about 18 months before I realised the error! They were almost dead, and their leaves had brown spots all over them....they are just beginning to recover really...but this one..I think it is Lime Marmalade...has always been in the shade.

30 Aug, 2011


Have had the same problem here with our local GC Moti...was really supprised when they had something else other than Palace Purple, which I've had for years...

Karen I can see a nice view of your water feature, actually trickling, looks fantastic, and I'm sure the plants thrive by the waterside...

4 Sep, 2011


Thanks Crissue. It's a lovely water feature, I'm thrilled with it!

4 Sep, 2011



4 Sep, 2011


I have been looking on ebay & the internet for a couple more of these gorgeous plants, I already have a few dark purply red one's. they seed all over the place :) but i fancy different colours, Arent they expensive! Maybe if i check out the sales in GCs in the next few weeks i might get Lucky and get some half price :))))

4 Sep, 2011


Daisy, try your local nurseries if you have must have they always have the best plants for the least cash! I shall be splitting some before too long...I'll try to remember to send you some!

4 Sep, 2011


I was thinking about proper nurseries Karensue,ill have to drag my sis along :) Thats a really kind offer, thankyou so much X

4 Sep, 2011


My pleasure....I think they look so much more impressive when you have the varieties of colours....I think that's they way to really appreciate them at their best..with all the different, lime, yellow, red, purple, black, silver, orange, peach, :))

4 Sep, 2011


Deffinatley Karensue, Thats the look im aiming for, I have a raised bed in the front garden im not happy with, gonna dig nearly every plant out! im really impressed with yours and other members Heucheras :))))

4 Sep, 2011


OOoh, sounds exciting...looking forward to your pics!

4 Sep, 2011

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