By Meanie

30 Aug, 2011
My Hoya cuttings are blooming!
Comments on this photo
They're super fragrant SL!
The local "very expensive GC" is knocking some reasonable examples out at a fiver as the blooms are done - probably the same elsewhere too if you can't get a cutting from someone.........
30 Aug, 2011
i'll have a look at our local GC cheers...
30 Aug, 2011
30 Aug, 2011
Lovely flower, good pic too!!!
30 Aug, 2011
Let's hope that you find a gargain SL.
Thank you Milky!
30 Aug, 2011
Thanks PA!
30 Aug, 2011
Nice plant, nice picture Meanie. Had this myself. I think there is a red one too. We used to call it the wax flower........if these things grow there, anything will grow. Hope you will put in another picture including the leaves. Leaves are also waxy and nice. Thanks.
1 Sep, 2011
Thank you - there are many different Hoya. Below is the link to the Hoya group on Flickr.........
This is most definitely a house plant here in the UK Vavilla!
1 Sep, 2011
A houseplant! I didn't know that it could trained to flower inside. I had a lot of plants indoors but they were all foliage not flowering plants. What we have climbs and at a friend's place it had climbed way above their heads on a jack tree. Or maybe by houseplant you mean it is a standard in every garden. Either way you have shown me that tropical plants grow well out there. So it will be only a matter of time when everyone starts growing Neem trees to stop pollution. Thanks Meanie.
1 Sep, 2011
They will only flower indoors over here!
Tropical plants can grow well here, they just need a little extra effort.
1 Sep, 2011
How nice! That way you can have an indoor flower garden right inside your house. Lucky you! So now I am not sure which of us is having the best of both worlds!
For me chillies used to grow well inside the house and the pots were near a window which had a lot of sunlight coming in. I remember one plant used to have about 80 chillie pods at one and the same time. This happened because we used to live in an upstair flat at one time with no garden. Otherwise chillies grow best here in the hot sun outside.
2 Sep, 2011
Like the way that photo shows how the flower is structured and opens. They almost look artificial somehow , the scent is amazing.
4 Sep, 2011
It's very photogenic Pimpernel!
ps - did you see my answer to your question?
4 Sep, 2011
The kind we had looks identical to this one but there was no scent what so ever! This Hoya must be modified then.
4 Sep, 2011
I've yet to meet the Hoya that is not fragrant Vavilla!!
4 Sep, 2011
Gorgeous photo! I bet the fragrance is heavenly!
Can you imagine what a huge fence cover with Hoya would smell like? I can. lol! :>) This vine is commonly used to hide ugly cyclone fences.
6 Sep, 2011
You come to Sri lanka...Meanie.. just to check on that......
I have known Hoya from my younger days at home with my parents..my mother used to be a keen gardener too...we all are....runs in the family.... ...or could it be that I never smelt them? After all, until someone told about the chocolate smell on the Duranta, I never noticed it! Me nose not working..at all.....
6 Sep, 2011
The smell from a whole fence worth would almost be overbearing Delonix!
It sounds as if your nose may be a little insensitive Vavilla! That would have been very useful at work today (the local farmer has sprayed his fields with the foulest smelling sileage ever!).
6 Sep, 2011
Sniff sniff lol its a beauty had one myself but alas died on me but it was over 20 years old and trailed 8ft across my ceiling.
6 Sep, 2011
They're going cheap in the local GCs at the moment6d.
6 Sep, 2011
Thanks for that Meanie I shall look out for it if I can get some one to take me out
6 Sep, 2011
Actually a fence covered with this vine is not overpowering...as this vine doesn't have a tremendous amount of flowers at one time.
7 Sep, 2011
That would make sense I suppose.............
7 Sep, 2011
Some Hoya species can have more flowers than others. However, overall flowers are pretty sparse.
7 Sep, 2011
If you must know Meanie....., most things I see and hear
nowadays does not make any sense at all.....(is it do or does?)anyway, only a little time more Meanie, hence, for better or worse, I am happy with the nose I've got ...anyway what's a sileage? no time to look it up...I get frightened by words I do not know, but if it is poison he was spraying that is bad news anyway.....nose or not.....
7 Sep, 2011
Sileage is the nice way to say rotted down poo (sh1t) from farmyard animals. It is not actually the correct definition of sileage, but it is what we say around here in polite company.
7 Sep, 2011
Let's look at the good side Meanie. It means you have plenty of free fertlizer. And you get to learn about animals without caging them in a zoo for education.
Poor helpless animals......as for the smells, I think human suff smells worse.......I don't know...
7 Sep, 2011
If mine smelt that bad I'd be straight to the doctor!
No free fertilizer - it's sprayed all over the field.........
7 Sep, 2011
You will have to go to the doctor anyway if you are working next to something like that everyday....
The farm where Babe the pig lived looked nice and clean.......I started liking pigs after seeing that one...
8 Sep, 2011
Pigs are not dirty - it's the conditions that man keeps them in that makes the filth. The drive for profit results in ultra intensive farming practise.
8 Sep, 2011
Meanie, man shouldn't keep them..that's the bottom line.
Born free............I think in some states in the USA they adopted a new term; instead of calling people who keep pets as pet owners, they have decided to call them pet guardians. Poor people make use of animals like donkeys for carts; they use bulls for carts and ploughing to earn something.....that also i don't like but to create animals like from an assembly line and give them hell is bad bad bad........I don't know, the things I read on care 2 website is mind boggling. Many have gone vegan........including Chelsea Clinton........no, no, I am not a vegan.that's a very difficult thing...but tortuing animals is not good....
9 Sep, 2011
Splendid picture from this "fleur de cire"..
And thank You for your comment,you are the first one
because I am a new in this team..
Regard's from France
24 Sep, 2011
Thank you Ray!
25 Sep, 2011
Pictures by meanie
1248 of 2592
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See who else is growing Hoya carnosa (Honey Plant).
See who else has plants in genus Hoya.
This photo is of "Hoya " in Meanie's garden
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they look excellent Meanie, i might have to get one of these too...
30 Aug, 2011