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Molly s Garden

Molly s Garden

Comments on this photo


Aah - what a cutie!

4 Sep, 2011


:) thank you Sheila!

4 Sep, 2011


Is that her own special wee place, KS?

5 Sep, 2011


I love that middle section with the tree as well as your dog :))))))))))))) Lovely border too Karen

5 Sep, 2011


Karen, she likes to lie on the wooden steps up to the gravel area best.....wood soaks up the sun's rays! I used to love to lie on our deck in our old warm!

Thanks Paul.

5 Sep, 2011


Agree about the wood, KS...but prefer a cushion myself, these days...must be getting old or something... :))

5 Sep, 2011


Naw, thats not possible Karen :)

5 Sep, 2011


Nah...your right Lil...must be the arthritus instead, that makes me creak like the wood! lol!!

5 Sep, 2011


Is that that very naughty terrier Karen!!

5 Sep, 2011


Lol! She does look it!

5 Sep, 2011


VERY! ;) 162 flings of the tennis ball on the beach before I could even think about going for a walk!

5 Sep, 2011


Lolololol!!! Perfect wee dog, then! ;)))

5 Sep, 2011


Well, lets just say I have a very strong left arm!

6 Sep, 2011


She needs a Sluggypup to chase her around! Or a pet rat!

6 Sep, 2011


She is such a cutie - and getting fatter Karen. lol as I am lol :o)

6 Sep, 2011


Yes, she does look a bit chubby doesn't she! :)

6 Sep, 2011


The two Dawgs together Lol!

6 Sep, 2011



6 Sep, 2011


Yes, she's a Jack Russel ...just no spots! She was one of a litter of 7 M. All the others had the classic spots, but not Molly, so we had her because she was 'different'.

8 Sep, 2011


hi molly, hope your being good for mum lol

10 Sep, 2011


San...her Mum lives in the country somewhere and she never ever comes to visit.....don't mention her...Molly feels very rejected whenever her name is mentioned! ;)))

11 Sep, 2011


Thanks Homebird! :)

12 Sep, 2011


Molly looking well Karen..nicely rounded lol! Not been feeding her Maca have you? Hee hee!

12 Sep, 2011


It's so bad...she's getting all the leftovers AND her dinner...I really have to get a grip!

12 Sep, 2011

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