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Artemisia (artemisia stelleriana)

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This is an unusual one, I haven't seen this before.

6 Sep, 2011


Its not a very good pic Rose, I put it on for Paul with the name, he said it reminded him of antlers on reindeer..Only one I could find with the flowers....

6 Sep, 2011


Thanks Lincslass - I love these very much - very good of you to show me :)))))

7 Sep, 2011


If the name reminds Paul of antlers on reindeer it certainly reminds me of my wife who is called by her many Artemisia which is the common for the official name of Artemis (Diana in Latin). Because Artemis was the Greek goddess of hunting it might have something to do with this plant looking like antlers on reindeer which was widely hunted in the ancient times. I will look at the Wikipedia later.

12 Sep, 2011


I always thought this was a form of cineraria. Silver dust. I have got quite a few of them in my garden. Are they one and the same thing?

25 Nov, 2011

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This photo is of species artemisia stelleriana.

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This photo is of "Artemisia" in Lincslass's garden

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