Cerinthe palaestina
By Meanie

6 Sep, 2011
Not the most exciting photo, but I'm excited about it!
The first seed of Cerinthe palaestina has germinated. The seeds were kindly sent to me from someone in Isreal.
You can see what the plant will look like here..............
Comments on this photo
me too ~ its a lovely plant.
btw i dreamt i had a bat flower the other night!!! obviously spent too much time on here!!
6 Sep, 2011
lol....Its a beautiful plant Meanie and as its states quite rare.....What is the difference between C.'palaestina' and C. 'major'?....
6 Sep, 2011
It's sort of 'classier' isn't it...but I actually prefer the common one...I love the colours of the flowers.
6 Sep, 2011
Thanks Karenf!
Sticki - your dream is a sign! Check this link out............
Moti - apart from the colour of the flowers, the seeds and seedlings are smaller. So it may be smaller, but otherwise it looks the same.
I love C.major too Karensusan, but when these seeds were offered I jumped at the chance!
6 Sep, 2011
that is beautiful isnt it - quite amazing. but i did also have a dream about being on a boat and there were very big waves ~ is that also a sign??
6 Sep, 2011
I don't need dreams to tell me that boats are bad Sticki!!
6 Sep, 2011
it was you talking about them that gave me the bad dream! i dont want another one!!!
6 Sep, 2011
C. major is very easy from seed......I had some self seeded in the garden...Its a delightful plant...I love the colour of 'palaestina' Meanie....I recently received a packet of C. minor 'bouquet gold'...wonder how they'll turn out....:>)
6 Sep, 2011
Hope it grows well for you
6 Sep, 2011
Your last comment just made me think of a John Cooper Clarke poem Sticki!!
They're so understated aren't they Moti!
Thank you 6d!
6 Sep, 2011
just googled that ~ there are several appropriate titles ~ and some i hope that are not!! did you have one in mind?
there is also one by John Larkin which i wouldnt want to mention!!!
sorry confused your comment with another blog!!
6 Sep, 2011
This was the one that sprung into my head (the language is a little coarse in places)..............
6 Sep, 2011
its very clever! and very funny.
other than that not sure what to say ~ hope im not as boring.
6 Sep, 2011
It was the bit where you said me talking gave you bad dreams that popped it into my head!
JCC is very clever indeed........
6 Sep, 2011
i would love to be that good with words.
7 Sep, 2011
Me too!
Whilst all his mates were getting carried away with punk rock, JCC decided to apply it to poetry. He kinda took the work of the beat poets to the next level.
7 Sep, 2011
i think of the right or a good thing to say ~ the next day!!
JCC and churchill would be very interesting dinner guests!
7 Sep, 2011
As would Stephen Fry, Tony Benn or the late great James Hunt.......
7 Sep, 2011
I have heard tony benn speak ~ very entertaining and for a man of his years still extremely quick witted ~ perhaps that never goes.
james hunt ~ for his escapades??
stephen fry could no doubt speak on anything.
may well go over my head tho!!
7 Sep, 2011
James just for being James really!
7 Sep, 2011
Am just commenting, so that I can follow this! lol! :)
7 Sep, 2011
Join in Karen!
7 Sep, 2011
who would you invite karen?
7 Sep, 2011
James didnt get exactly a glowing report!!
but there would have to be one at least that made me laugh!
7 Sep, 2011
I met him about three years before he passed away - lovely bloke.
7 Sep, 2011
you met him! wow! thats a claim to fame!!
sad that he is gone though.
7 Sep, 2011
I've met a few faces over the years Sticki - it's surprising how many are reasonably normal decent people. James was a bit of an "enfant terrible" at the height of his career, but later in life found peace in himself.
8 Sep, 2011
Sorry missed all that...but still eavesdropping!
I think that Nelson Mandela might be a great guest in that company... :)
8 Sep, 2011
There are a few world leaders that would be welcome - so that I could have a rant.
One person who is now only just being widely acknowledged for what he did is Mikheal Gorbechev.
8 Sep, 2011
That is very true, Meanie!
But, with all these 'great men' around, perhaps we need to throw a wild card into the mix...how about MM, or BB??
8 Sep, 2011
I did almost bump into Patrick Moore once ~ but it was embarassing!!
8 Sep, 2011
Do you mean that you 'literally' almost knocked him over, Sticki??
8 Sep, 2011
he was at a bookshop signing! when he arrived he asked for a glass of wine [somewhat awkward for the shop who had to send out to the nearest pub] then as it was my sons turn to ask for his book to be signed ~ guess what ~ i went to take a photo and the strap of my camera slowly draped itself around the glass of wine [i can still see it happening ~ in slow motion] and of course ~ knocked it over!!! i disappeared quickly!!! no photo!!!
8 Sep, 2011
OOooooh!........... :)
8 Sep, 2011
so no, i didnt knock him over ~ just the wine!!!
8 Sep, 2011
I also have an encounter with a celebrity...
When I was an art student, many years ago...I was walking down the road on a windy day (wind makes my eyes water), and I saw a guy with long hair, beard and a big greatcoat coming up the road (fairly normal in those days)...I thought it was my friend, Brian...so, I waved and got ready to say 'Hello!'...
It was only when we were face to face, that I realised it was Billy Connelly!! At that point, I said, 'Oh! Sorry! I thought you were someone else!'...and hurried away....!!!
8 Sep, 2011
oh thats much better than my encounter!! i thought you were going to say father christmas!!! did he have that purple beard thing?
8 Sep, 2011
I couldn't really see, Sticki, (wind) ...but, it was the late seventies....!
8 Sep, 2011
A right pair of Mrs Buckets, sorry, Bouquet!!!!!!!!
When asked by a well known motorsports figure who had totally ignored the fact that I already had customers waiting "do you know who I am?" I replied "No, and much less care. Now get to the back of the queue". This was followed by a round of applause by the small group of customers who were patiently waiting.
At this point the arrogant prick went off to find the managing director who came a started to tear a strip off of me in front of everyone. I was backed up by a customer who was actually a member of the landed gentry who tore a strip off of both of them in front of a growing audience!!
9 Sep, 2011
Hahaha! Meanie, I bet that was fun to watch!! Shame the TV wasn't there to get it! Now I'm going to have to try to work out who it was!!
9 Sep, 2011
that is brilliant ~ well done you.
wish i could have seen it.
9 Sep, 2011
It may take a while to work out Karen as Oxfordshire is the centre of the motorsport world!
Sticki - it was hilarious! He went red with rage as the other customer joined in!
It wasn't good to upset me - I destroyed the marriage of one customer who was despised throughout the dealership when I gave his wife the contact mags that he'd left in his old car when he traded it in. As far as I was concerned I was just making sure that he got his property back!!!!!!!!
9 Sep, 2011
Oh! Heavens, Sticki - we'll have to be careful not to get on the bad side of this Meanie! lol!
I bet you have to deal with a lot of prats in your line of work, though.......?!
9 Sep, 2011
its like 'fawlty towers' ~ im no good at that sort of thing but i dont half wish i was!!
9 Sep, 2011
Lots of prats Karen!
That was my finest moment Sticki!!
9 Sep, 2011
well it impressed me!!! im very envious.
9 Sep, 2011
Mr. major league jerk wasn't!!!!!!!!
9 Sep, 2011
That's why its so funny!
9 Sep, 2011
10 Sep, 2011
Pictures by meanie
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This photo is of species Cerinthe palaestina.
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This photo is of "Cerinthe palaestina" in Meanie's garden
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6 Sep, 2011