Gloriosa downer!!
By Meanie

6 Sep, 2011
Came home at lunchtime and found my Gloriosa blown over and the pot shattered.
So I grabbed the tubers - 10 good healthy ones, plus 4 iffy ones. Now I have to work out how to over-winter them.
Comments on this photo
They do Michaella, plus another four not so nice ones.
I'm afraid that I'm being very selfish with these and hanging on to them all - I had a pretty good result from four tubers this year (bearing in mind the weather) and want to see what ten or more tubers can do!
6 Sep, 2011
oh no!! hope you succeed with these through the winter; they look healthy.
several pots blown over here and a lot of large twigs from the oak trees ~ one broke a bit of my new Sumach.
6 Sep, 2011
How unfortunate Meanie...A few weeks ago my big terracotta pot of 'mina lobata' blew over and the pot smashed....I was reading about your Gloriosa and it advises to store over winter in peat moss...check the tubers monthly and cut away any soft spots that may develop, allow the remaining healthy portion to dry before restoring in general, use the same guidelines as Dahlias..You can repot Gloriosia Tubers after only 2 months of storage or hold 'till early Spring....I expect you already know this Meanie...:>)
6 Sep, 2011
Yes, I had a few things blown over and blown down today's gone calm again now thankfully.
6 Sep, 2011
The wind is a bitch isn't it!
It's buggered up the two branches on my Erythrina that had flower buds - I can't describe how peed off about that I am!
Motinot - this is the blog that I did about how I care for them.................
6 Sep, 2011
Oh, blast it. It took a branch of my Cercis Canadensis too. I'm trying not to think about it. I'll go out tomorrow and try to repair some of the damage in other places, and just cut the branch off....sigh. I hate the wind more than ANYTHING!
6 Sep, 2011
That's a bummer Karen!
I hate it passionately today - I'm really gutted about the Erythrina..........
6 Sep, 2011
Plants strewn everywhere here too :-((
6 Sep, 2011
Nothing too precious is damaged I hope...........
6 Sep, 2011
Thanks Meanie...i did try them once..and waited...and waited....nothing..its a beautiful climber, but i probably wont try it again...I will look at your pics instead....:>)
6 Sep, 2011
Not sure yet M. pretty dark when I got home could just see the outline of lots of horizontal plants.
6 Sep, 2011
Hope they pull through for you Meanie such a shame these bl..dy winds wish usa would keep their storms to them selves as we always seem to get the tail end of them every time.
6 Sep, 2011
The quality of the tuber is everything Motinot..........
Fingers crossed then PA..............
They'll be fine 6d - just means that I'll not get any seeds from it this year.
6 Sep, 2011
I had sent for them on-line Meanie...Much smaller than yours, which look great...:>)
7 Sep, 2011
They do not like to be stored exposed Motinot. My original tuber cost a fiver, but was a freshly lifted tuber.
8 Sep, 2011
The tubers look very healthy!
8 Sep, 2011
I'm more than happy with them Delonix! There are four more which are not so nice too.
8 Sep, 2011
This wind IS a bi*ch, broken a few of my lobelia Q vics.
8 Sep, 2011
My bedding plants are relatively undamaged!
8 Sep, 2011
I have put the lobelias in a vase!!
8 Sep, 2011
Next year you should have some very healthy plants.
9 Sep, 2011
That's the plan!
9 Sep, 2011
Thanks Meanie, you are a fountain of knowledge.
If only I had read this before last winter. I didn't manage to store mine successfully before the snow last year. - but now I know and will have another go. They are lovely (my favourite florist shop flower) I used to pay up to £1 each plus vat for each flower! Just think we could be rich!
13 Sep, 2011
Get the best tubers you can - it's worth the extra!
13 Sep, 2011
Thanks honey - I will!
14 Sep, 2011
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They look so good!
6 Sep, 2011