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Aeonium arborea variegata

Aeonium arborea variegata (Aeonium arborea variegata)

Comments on this photo


Wow - lovely!

6 Sep, 2011


Agree with Sheilar...I love these! :)

7 Sep, 2011


Thank you, have a few different Aeoniums, I've been taking cuttings today for next years plantings. :o)

7 Sep, 2011


I once brought three Aeoneums back here, after I saw truly magnificent plants in Cornwall, but....sadly, all dead...
They're not in the plant-finders here, so perhaps there's a reason...
Am jealous, P...

7 Sep, 2011


WOW!! Have not seen these before.

7 Sep, 2011


Thanks Lil :o) KF.They are not hardy but im surprised they are not available in France, the main reason for death is to much water, I have had cuttings laying on the bench for weeks then just stick them in and they grow, better to neglect them than love them too much! :o)))

7 Sep, 2011


I think they like the island thing, P!...wind, water and sun!! They do brilliantly in Cornwall...maybe if I was nearer the coast...?

7 Sep, 2011


They still wouldn't survive outside in the winter, they are fine outside in the summer in pots of really well drained soil, I just let the rain do the watering! :o)

7 Sep, 2011


In Penzance, they're enormous, P... (like 4' tall and 3' wide!) just growing in peoples' gardens on the seafront! They're amazing!!

7 Sep, 2011


Yes we stayed there on holls last year, I also had a birthday flight to Tresco, the garden there is fantastic!!!

7 Sep, 2011


I bet it is, P!! It's that gulf stream...
I went to a little nursery, which only sold hardy tropicals...It was very, very difficult to leave with only what the car could hold (which wasn't much!)

8 Sep, 2011


Lol, car full of plants when leaving Cornwall sounds very familiar :o)))

8 Sep, 2011


Lol! Yes, but not usually getting on a ferry!!! lol! :)))

8 Sep, 2011

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