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It was a dark and stormy morning


By Lulu33

It was a dark and stormy morning

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Love this one!!!!!!!!

7 Sep, 2011


you have to keep the story going i think pixi??

It was a dark and stormy morning...
and all around the church grey clouds billowed like waves in a terrible storm...

7 Sep, 2011


Sluggpuppy was nowhere to be seen.........

7 Sep, 2011


Over in the paddock the tall grasses swayed ...

7 Sep, 2011


With Prudence and Jazzypup who were ever so busy fereting for voles, they didn't notice that Sluggy was gone.
She was busy mooching....................
(com'on Pixi.where are you in this tale..........!)

7 Sep, 2011


No one knew that Sluggy had been reading Lulu's blogs on GoY and was extremely worried about the missing Pixi...

7 Sep, 2011


"Pixi, Pixi. where fore art though.........woof woof...."

7 Sep, 2011


but Pixi was oblivious to all the calling from Lulu and the barking from Sluggy ~ as well as her barking blogs!!

7 Sep, 2011


Pixi has been held hostage by the sculpure in her garden.
But hey ho says Pru and Jazz..........we know where ther wherewolve voles are...........

7 Sep, 2011


Meanwhile Sluggy had caught a train to rescue the hostage Pixi ~ taking a rubber fish to offer as a swap.

7 Sep, 2011


And Pixi, well.....she's turned up now, we are in my studio drinking lots of wierd and wonderful drinks.
(I think we need to send Pix a PM to tell her to carry on with the story..or else it's not quite fair!!)

7 Sep, 2011


she might be out teaching??

7 Sep, 2011


what a great view

8 Sep, 2011


THe potions that Lulu served up were making Pixi's head sway like the trees outside in the billowing breeze..forgetting her clay gardener for a moment.
While up in the highlands the rubber fish was not accepted by the sculpture,,his eyes raged in torment..where had his beloved Pixi gone?

8 Sep, 2011


Lulu's head was spinning by now.
Sticki, remarkably sober spies a Sluggypup in the distance, "Oh heck she says, Sluggy is looking somewhat flustered".
Sluggy woofs at Lulu "Woof Woof WOOF" which translates as "An irate sculpture is on the march south seeking his beloved Pixi!" "Woffty woof woof" Poor sluggy, the sculpture nicked her fish!

8 Sep, 2011


Suddenly Lulu heard a rumbling in the distance..was it poor Sluggy's belly rumbling form lack of fish? Sticki suggested it might be Puss(suki) in boots tramping southwards to find her Pixi mother...but wasnt... it was...

8 Sep, 2011


A giant Mousie! (haha!)

8 Sep, 2011


Closely followed by.............

8 Sep, 2011


The constant clay gardener! dan dan daaaaaan!
His heavy feet clumped across the moors making all the trees quiver in fright..Sluggy hid under Lulu's chair where Milliepuss was sleeping soundly, totally oblivious to the looming danger! Pixi was out of it..she was not used to such potions..she lay under the pear tree dreaming of her beloved Rick..would he rescue her?

8 Sep, 2011


Well, the next problem was Millie puss, cause she don't like the SluggyPup much and where WAS StickiToffee? And Rick for that matter?

8 Sep, 2011


Milliepuss slept on unaware of all the terror looming..Stiki had taken Sluggypup away to her house leaving Lulu and Pixi who had now come round and was sitting on the Chamomile lawn. They listened to the booming getting closer..closer..Lulu looked up and there coming up the winding lane was The clay gardener! They hugged each other tightly watching him approaching..

8 Sep, 2011


His eyes were red with menace (almost like lu and Pix's eyes after their drinking sesh!) Gog said Lu, I could do without this, I've a headach!

8 Sep, 2011


Quickly they ran into the studio followed by a scared Milliepuss who had jsut been wakened by Suki ( she had ran all the way there to find her Mum) Inside they found Sticki and Sluggypup huddling in the corner..they joined them. All three huddled together in fear!
The loud footsteps approached making Lulu's headache worse( well she will drink!) All eyes staring towards the door..just at that they heard Rick's voice..

8 Sep, 2011


"*issed again" he said, "AND hallucinating!"
Sluggy growelled at Rick (she doesn't like blokes much!)
Pixi and Lulu giggled!
The phone was StickiToffee. She had legged it up to Mark61's new garden bar............!

8 Sep, 2011


Yes it was Sticki's alter ego that was in the studio! Rick laughed at the sight of them all huddled up in the corner and said waht on earth is going on here then! Pixi said the clay gardener is outside he is after Lulu's mosaics! Rick turned to look....

8 Sep, 2011


And there was Mystic Bunny in all his glory..........

8 Sep, 2011


hahaha! yes Mystic bunny had grown into a giant! He wasnt a bad bunny though..he had come to tell them all that the clay gardener had fallen into Sticki's toffee and couldnt get free..Rick said come on we will all go and eat all the toffee and set him free..Lulu's head still hurt and she took to her bed..well Sluggypup's bed where she slept most of the time. The others set off to have a feast..Suki and Sluugypup leading the way.

8 Sep, 2011


ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 'hic'

9 Sep, 2011


Rick saved the day..freed the clay gardener who thanked him and they shook hands. Then Rick, Pixi, Suki and the clay gardener headed north homewards waving goodbye to Stikitoffee, Milliepuss and the sleeping Lulu and Sluggypup who had curled up beside his Mum.
Mystic bunny returned to his mosaic and spoke no more.
The end.
Written by Lulu, Stickitoffee and Pixi.

9 Sep, 2011


Aw, I thought we could keep this going until xmas!!

9 Sep, 2011


omg no way
hahaha we can always do anytoher one. ;)

9 Sep, 2011


We need a couple of others to play too...........

9 Sep, 2011


yes! what happened to Sticki! ....

9 Sep, 2011


Maybe stevie will play too?

9 Sep, 2011


lol yeah ask him

9 Sep, 2011


Mad as a bag of frogs:-))

10 Sep, 2011


Forgot to say I loved the photo, very atmospheric:-)))

10 Sep, 2011


Totally lolol ;)

10 Sep, 2011


BA you would be very good at this sort of thing! I'm sitting comfortably so please would you begin?

10 Sep, 2011


haha yeah everyone should do it! would be fun! :)

10 Sep, 2011


That's such an amusing expression, not the first time it's been attributed to me!

10 Sep, 2011

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