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Corner Bed

Corner Bed

The peony has taken well, but I'm lifting to dig a deeper space for it and raise the bulb a little. No flower now for three years, just a bud that dries up. Too deep. All the pansies have placed themselves, I was so excited to see these big ones. They were living under the mulch all winter actually. Tough little things. Creeping dianthus in front not getting bigger but coming through quite well all the same. Nice pink flowers.

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Love those daisies and pansies

13 Sep, 2011


Updated my info. Thank you both. I still can't believe these pansies are even there. And this is not all. I have some of every pansy I ever planted plus new ones this year, all from seed. Its wonderful! 8 different types!

I hope to dig in a matching bed for the other side of the cabin, widen the garden footprint a little more.

15 Sep, 2011


Thats great to have so many varieties Greenthumb and shall look forward to seeing your other bed.

15 Sep, 2011


GT. dont think peony like being moved that is why it hasnt flowered, it is sulking.Lol.

15 Sep, 2011


I know, It hasn't moved now for three years. That is why I've decided to lift this fall, that way it wakes up all settled in. Late fall is the proper time really for them, if they must be shifted. It is best to leave them alone. Thanks. ;-)

16 Sep, 2011


you are right about the depth of the planting too, though, Gt. Have to lift mine too... had lots of buds but only a few flowers. It was like the plant just shut down. It also seems contradictory for such an indestructible plant to get so finicky over the depth of the eyes. Being in a cold climate we always think that we must mulch them deep for protection...but not peonies! they reward us with such glory when we finally give them what they want...and then they will go on for decades without being touched producing the same abundance every season. they're a riddle!

19 Sep, 2011


This one is just too low. And they like space below as well. This bed is only about 8 inches before hitting a more solid pad the cabin rests one. So I'm digging deeper too.

22 Sep, 2011


That is a peony. Still not a bloom yet. I've lifted it a little in the fall, so we'll see what it does next year.

5 Nov, 2011

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