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Corner bed, the Widest Version

Corner bed, the Widest Version

Now 3 years old, the new bed is growing right in. The bergenia was divided this year, so not much to see, but the peony beside it is much larger, the little mugo pine in the background started a little thing for $4. The new bed in front let me introduce the dianthus blue. Above, the corner box and the crown of the steps, growing well.

Comments on this photo


This is it very much!

12 Sep, 2011


i like it too, its very pretty.

12 Sep, 2011


I like this! Nice work.

12 Sep, 2011


Thank you, thank you, thank you, :-)

13 Sep, 2011


Wonderful planting love it.

13 Sep, 2011


Nice area you have there, GT.

14 Sep, 2011


Thank you so much. I'm pleased how this has come along. I am just now realizing I had left no info on the pic at all! quickly

I had big plans for a new bed matching this one on the other side, but winter may come before I have it dug in. I have a little bergenia needs to go somewhere motivating me.

15 Sep, 2011


:O)) Shall look forward to the spring then you should have time then to dig your other bed hope the bergenia grows well.

15 Sep, 2011


I like your garden. It looks rustic with many flowers.

16 Sep, 2011


Thanks 6p. The bergenia does very well, but not so well standing in a pot alll

Thank you Delonix. Of course rustic, cabin in the woods. Goes to show what amazing almost anywhere has to plant resources. All this way out

16 Sep, 2011


Lol Greenthumb :o))

17 Sep, 2011


Your house nad garden are lovely GT...I'd love to live in such a nice anace

21 Sep, 2011


Thank you so much Aleyna. I've spent a lot of time appreciating what I've got this season. Thank you.

22 Sep, 2011


Well, that came up weird.... didn't it?

I'm used to my own typos but never have been so far...
sorry about that
I meant:
"your house and garden are lovely GT .. I'd love to live in such a nice place"

I suppose you understood it despite my typos.

22 Sep, 2011


I got it. My own typos have just gotten worse changing to a laptop with a little keyboard. I'm quite successful at deciphering hidden messages these

22 Sep, 2011


Thank you. :-)

No wolves, stray fox now and then. Bears are the most problems though rare, usually just in spring and fall. Then of course, a moose can be trouble any time of year. I do long for these summer days, but winter has been mild and beautiful so far, so I don't mind it either.

5 Nov, 2011


In California bears can be a huge problem, especially in those rural areas...and they do come into the urban areas sometimes.

Do you have many mountain lions there? They're very plentiful in all areas of California...just a few weeks ago an elementary school was locked down in northern San Diego County because of mountain lion sightings (it's not unusual).

6 Nov, 2011


Smaller black and brown bears are more of a problem. Our Grizzlies this far north are more private, though found every year or two poking around a garage or something. Farther south on the coast the black bears are always in town, at the transfer stations (trash). The mountain lion doesn't range this far north. Our only big cat is lynx.

8 Nov, 2011


Yes, the brown and black bears are the most common. I've read the California Grizzly Bears are not so common anymore. I think they stay more up into the higher mountains, likely, because they're such mean bears.
The California Grizzly bear is the bear which is on California's state flag.

I've just read the mountain lion's most northerly range is just south of Alaska in western Canada. Bobcats (Lynx rufus) can be major problems in the rural area. These cats have taken over fore-closed houses where my father lives in Riverside County (north of San Diego County). They lay all over the roofs of the houses. It's pretty funny looking.

8 Nov, 2011


Wow! I knew there was a population issue with mountain lions, but taking over empty houses seems like a problem. :-)

9 Nov, 2011



The mountain lions don't take over empty houses. lol
It's the bob cats, they have taken over many empty houses. They also drink out of the swimming pools.

The mountain lion populations have really exploded in CA over the last 30 years. In the late 60's and early 70's they were almost hunted to extinction in California. They were killed by the hundreds by cattle, sheep ranchers.

10 Nov, 2011

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