Kordana Roses...minis
By Lorilyn57

20 Sep, 2011
Comments on this photo
Thanks Crissue... I like to wait until this time of year when the grocery that sells these in 4 inch pots has all the dead-looking straggly ones on sale for .99 cents... (there are usually six plants to a pot!) Then I make off like a bandit! Even in their dire straits these roses bounce back with a little TLC.... these are looking pretty good and there's a good chance they'll make it thro the winter!
23 Sep, 2011
You know Lori I bought one very similar about six years ago, and she's travelled through two moves...and two different planting places in this garden alone, and still flowers it's little socks off...:))) one of my rare supermarket buys...
23 Sep, 2011
I was incredulous...how could something so beautiful but tough come from a grocery store??? you think they'd have big pricetags on them simply for that reason alone...guess I should shut my mouth and be happy, aye? :^)) 'nuf said!
23 Sep, 2011
Some of the Lady members have bought these types of Roses from a Store in the UK called Morrisons, at knock down prices...and what bargains they get...Wish I could find a few more here...:)))
24 Sep, 2011
They appear to be a brand name, Crissue. Try looking for Kordana Roses. It may just be here in NA...but you never know! Goodluck!
24 Sep, 2011
Thanks for that Lori...I'll remember that...:)))
26 Sep, 2011
fingers crossed for you!
26 Sep, 2011
26 Sep, 2011
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Nice Lori...:))
21 Sep, 2011