Actaea Simplex 'Pink Spike' (Formerly Cimifuga)
By Karensusan63

24 Sep, 2011
In my RHS book it says that this plant has a slightly unpleasant scent...weird because I bought it for the lovely perfume coming from it in the GC! Any comments on the perfume of your Actaea?
Comments on this photo
Couldn't resist it Paul.
24 Sep, 2011
Cannot blame you - I would have got it too :))))
24 Sep, 2011
lol..thanks, I feel much better now! ;)
24 Sep, 2011
24 Sep, 2011
It has a wonderful leaf K...:>)
25 Sep, 2011
It's in its new home now Motty. I was so buy yesterday and my muscles are aching today...still about another 3 hours should see the job finished!
26 Sep, 2011
Cannot find ours.........another loss!!
26 Sep, 2011
OH no! It says in the book it is perfectly hardy too.....wonder why yours has died? Disappointing.
27 Sep, 2011
I think not enough moisture......
28 Sep, 2011
Ah yes...oh well.
28 Sep, 2011
Hi Karen...I've had my Cimicifuga several years...It is only happy in shade...I moved it last year to the new front garden, and it has tried flowering this year, sending three spikes up, but they haven't been anywhere nearly as good as before...I'm going to move it further back into deeper shade soon...I haven't noticed any nasty scent from it at all...In the past the spikes have been a good three + feet tall...I know there is a pic from last year, I'll try and find is very hardy, and disappears under ground for the winter...I mulch and cover with straw...
1 Oct, 2011
Thanks for that Crissue. I love the scent from the flowers, it is very powerful...the butterflies love it as well.
1 Oct, 2011
You're welcome...:))
1 Oct, 2011
Lovely Karen. Mine doesn't seem to have any scent, and the flowers are nothing like yours, but I think mine's in too sunny a spot, and as DD hints, it DOES prefer a moist site.
1 Oct, 2011
Isn't that strange, neither you or Crissue have scent....perhaps a different var. or just as you say, the situation. The scent on mine and Mum's is strong! Maybe it's to do with our strange noses!! :)))))
1 Oct, 2011
I can't remember whether it had a scent last year karen, but when it gets back to flowering properly maybe it will...
2 Oct, 2011
Pictures by karensusan63
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This photo is of "Actaea Simplex 'Pink Spike' - Autumn Bugbane" in Karensusan63's garden
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Looks divine - would love one in my front garden as doing it out soon :))))
24 Sep, 2011