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Passiflora alata


By Meanie

Passiflora alata

It was too nice for work today, and as it may be the last of the decent weather I said stuff it and went to Oxford instead!
This was in the Orangery at Oxfords botanic gardens.

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good decision!
its just amazing. bit like something underwater.

28 Sep, 2011


What the heck - that's why I'm my own boss!
It's lovely - a slightly less dramatic version of this one...........

28 Sep, 2011


be a happier workforce if we could all do that!!
the climate we have we ought to just say if its a warm sunny day that can be a bank holiday!!??

love that flower, but i like the stripes on this one.

28 Sep, 2011


If you saw P.quadrangularis in the flesh you'd get it Sticki - it isn't called the Giant Grenadilla for nothing!

28 Sep, 2011


It does remind me of a sea anemone, or is it anenome?

28 Sep, 2011


It's the first one Sticki.

28 Sep, 2011


Did you nick it then lol you said you knew where you could get one hahaha .

28 Sep, 2011


Ah, but this is P. alata 6d, although it might be a safer choice I think.

28 Sep, 2011


Well I have read two gardeners stating that is the best one out of all and scented too so you ve made a great choice.

28 Sep, 2011


I haven't got one yet!
But less tropical, so probably more sensible..........

28 Sep, 2011


Yes you can keep this indoors in the house but has been voted the best one out of all.

28 Sep, 2011


So good practise for the P.quadrangularis then!

28 Sep, 2011


Yes it will be they do need at least 4 hours natural day light or you could get a special lamp bulb as one chap has one above his aiming the light at it.

28 Sep, 2011


On a timer in the loft maybe!!!

28 Sep, 2011


pm sent you

28 Sep, 2011


very nice..

28 Sep, 2011


It could be.........

28 Sep, 2011


i reserved a nice P.quadrangularis earlier this year but o/h stopped play and i had to cancel it... ahh well...

28 Sep, 2011


Divorce her!
Spouses can be replaced!!!!!!!

28 Sep, 2011


there is truth in what you say !!

28 Sep, 2011


The other useful tactic is to convince them that it was their idea and that they really want it!

28 Sep, 2011


that may work actually.... Hmm

28 Sep, 2011


My OH is totally uninterested in plants...He just cuts the grass and digs if i need him to...I would love him to tell me he reserved a nice P. quadrangularis.....:>)

28 Sep, 2011


Beautiful photo!

I love passion fruit! My neighbor just brought a huge bag of fruit the other day...she has 3 huge vines on her fence. Passion fruit has such a unique flavor, like no other fruit. They're good to juice and freeze.

29 Sep, 2011


And that he was going to build you a conservatory to house it Motinot!

Thanks Delonix! I'm a big fan of Passion fruit too.

29 Sep, 2011


Lol....Yes Meanie....

29 Sep, 2011



I'm sure there must be some fruit-bearing varieties which are hardy there, correct?

30 Sep, 2011


Most of the hardier ones that I've seen here will set fruit, although the season may not be long enough to ripen them.

30 Sep, 2011



What's nice about passion doesn't need a lot of heat to ripen.

30 Sep, 2011


Sues used to, but not anymore........

30 Sep, 2011



1 Oct, 2011


I believe that it was the lack of summer the last two years.........

1 Oct, 2011



Maybe this year it'll happen. I heard there's been a big heat wave there (in the UK) with temps up to 85ºF/29ºC. I heard this on our news yesterday (Oct.1). I must admit I was smiling a bit, because to us here, a big heatwave is temps of 100ºF/38ºC or greater (this time of year). :>)

2 Oct, 2011


Next weather front is heading in from the north..........

3 Oct, 2011



Believe-it-or-not...we have a cold front coming from the north, also. It's very rare to have one come down this early in the season and give us rain, which we're suppose to get on Wednesday. However, temps will rebound and be up to around 90ºF/32ºC by this weekend.

4 Oct, 2011


I feel for you - it'll probably dip to 20c maybe????

4 Oct, 2011


Actually, 72ºF/22ºC for the high tomorrow (Oct. 5, 2011)...which is pretty much unheard of this time of year. If this happens it will be the coldest high temperature for the date. This big storm that's coming in, is typical of late December or early January (very strange!).

It's suppose to rebound to 83ºF/28ºC. and not 90ºF/32ºC. like what originally was forecasted for this weekend. That's actually perfect weather for me.

5 Oct, 2011


Crikey - it's as bad as I thought!!!!!

5 Oct, 2011



I just heard on our news we're suppose to get almost 1inch /25mm of rain tomorrow. This most likely will be record rainfall, also. (we can always use the rain, though).

This is typically firestorm season, which is caused by hot, dry Santa Ana Winds.

5 Oct, 2011

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This photo was taken at The University of Oxford Botanic Garden.

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