Birthday boy
By Bjs

7 Oct, 2011
6 years old today doing what he loves best
Comments on this photo
Oh typical Spaniel!! LOL. He shares his birthday with my Daddy!!! Who has just found a very sweet 2 year old Cocker Span who didn't like retrieving birds. He now shares a comfy fireplace with his friend Tasha the whippet and of course, he adores dad!!
Great pic!!
7 Oct, 2011
Happy birthday boy....Feeling a bit sad at the moment Bjs...My 15 year old dog died on Wednesday, we've had her since she was 6 weeks old....
7 Oct, 2011
Motinot sorry to hear that,I find it hard to imagain life without Jamie.Have had him from 8 weeks
7 Oct, 2011
So sorry to haer your news dreading the day.
7 Oct, 2011
Happy Birthday toooo yooooou, woof woof !
Meows from Alf and Dolly.
7 Oct, 2011
♪♪♪ Happy Birthday Jamie ♪♪♪ you look as if you are haing fun :o))
7 Oct, 2011
Motinot I'm so sorry to hear your sad news we have been through it with our last lovely dog and more recently with our 22 year old cat it never gets any easier , it leaves a huge hole in your life :o(
7 Oct, 2011
A very happy birthday to you Jamie, you look like you were having a splashing time .hehe
Hi Motinot, so sorry to hear your very sad news. our herats go out to you :(
7 Oct, 2011
Does Jamie want to come visit soon? Sluggy would like that, a boy to play with!!
8 Oct, 2011
Lulu look at PM
9 Oct, 2011
have done!!thx, will await the plan!
10 Oct, 2011
Happy Birthday, Jamie. Great to see him having fun in the mud. Hope he enjoys his bath as much!
10 Oct, 2011
Oh yes the more baths the better he has his own, outside of course.Will do a pic when i can.
10 Oct, 2011
Will look forward to that!
10 Oct, 2011
Happy 'Belated' Birthday Jamie. A perfect way to spend your special day.
16 Oct, 2011
I hope you made him a cake with candles on Brian!
22 Oct, 2011
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Happy Birthday :)))))))))))))))))
7 Oct, 2011