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Heptacodium miconioides

Heptacodium miconioides (Heptacodium miconioides)

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Looks so green!

8 Oct, 2011


It does Sheila....that's coz it's raining :(( Still all the new plants need it and it saves me watering!
Meadowland, it would be a mouthful if I could say it. You should have seen me asking for it at the nursery :) It's also called the Seven Son Flower Tree!

8 Oct, 2011


Seven-Son Flower is a larger shrub with white, fragrant, jasmine-like flowers in late summer. The rose purple sepals are very showy in one description Meadowland.
I wanted something a wee bit different which flowers later in the year, I came up with this! Apparently the bark peels too when they are mature enough....we will see!

8 Oct, 2011


It has quite a good write we will see :)

9 Oct, 2011


I've had a couple of them for a few years now and they are great trees! They grow about 1m a year too. If you keep the lower branches pruned off it will keep it a nice shape and show off the exfoliating bark better too. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

13 Oct, 2011


Thanks RKWright for the advice. I will certainly give it a go. I'm a novice gardener so do I just prune them of near to the stem and should there be a time of year I do this. Sorry for the questions

13 Oct, 2011


It's fine, I don't mind the questions. It's best to prune the stems off close to the trunk so you don't have little stumps poking out. New growth can also develop on the stems if they're not cut back far enough. This is one plant that is very forgiving, you can prune off anything you don't like. I like to prune them in Spring because their flower buds are developing in summer and if you cut them after they flower they may not heal in time for winter.

13 Oct, 2011


Thank you....will keep a note, I would hate to loose the flowers.

13 Oct, 2011

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This photo is of species Heptacodium miconioides.

This photo is of "Heptacodium miconioides" in Scottish's garden

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