Middle border with Sedum - do not know which one but it has been a beauty this year.
By Oliveoil

14 Oct, 2011
Comments on this photo
Hi Motti, it is Rudbekkia Trilobe, it grows v.tall needs a little support but has lots of small flowers on quite a large bushy plant. There are two plants in that picture both quite close together in the border. There is a third one which you can see in front of it, but the rabbit ate it off in the spring and it is no where near as tall as these two. Also in front of them all is Rudbekkia Goldsturm. I am thinking that it is a little two tall so I am going to give it the Chelsea chop next spring and see if I can replicate what the rabbit did, lol. We shall see. Knowing me I shall either forget to do it or kill the poor plant completely. lol.
14 Oct, 2011
This is lovely Oliveoil. I think you may have autumn bliss, the sedum there.
14 Oct, 2011
This again is lovely Olive. Do you deadhead your sedums to get a second flush. I've never known whether you should do this or not.
14 Oct, 2011
Thank you Greenthumb will check that one out.
Thank you Rose, I have never deadheaded sedums, didn't know you could. I am going to try the chelsea chop on one up in the top border next year to see if I can get smaller and more flowers, just experimenting. thanks again.
15 Oct, 2011
I'm going to Chelsea chop mine next year Olive. I didn't do it this year and although they flowered really well the plants were really untidy and sprawly leaving the centres bare. Yours look really strong and upright.:-)
19 Oct, 2011
Last year mine were very floppy and I said I would chop them and didn't and this year they have stood up straight, the top border ones flop a lot but these in the middle border seem to stand up straighter. Think they are held up by all the other plants in there. lol. I am going to try the Chelsea chop though on quite a few of the plants next spring. (if I remember)lol
20 Oct, 2011
It does work - You get twice as many flowers and the plants are stronger. You need to do it at Chelsea time though otherwise you have to wait ages for the flowers. Hard to do at the time but worth it.
26 Oct, 2011
Thanks for the info. Poppylover, it is great to hear that it works. I will try and remember to do it. I hate cutting back plants feels a bit like I am killing them off. lol. I am going to try and take off some shoots from my Heucheras also, something I am not looking forward to doing, I am scared that I will take some shoots off and the whole thing will keel over on me. Ah well shall have to be brave and try I suppose. thanks again.
26 Oct, 2011
Where on earth was I on October 14 2011..that I missed these lovely pictures of your garden. They are so nice. :))
29 Mar, 2012
LOL Michaella, what are you like, I should think you were busy chopping down something or cutting out some grass or doing something which keeps you otherwise occupied. lol. glad you found them though, I miss all sorts and then when I have got time I go through things and try and catch up. We are always busy doing something in the garden, not much time left then to read and look at pictures etc. Hope you are finding time to sit and relax a LITTLE!
29 Mar, 2012
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Lovely Olive...what is the yellow flower.?
14 Oct, 2011