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Told you something was in there Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!


By Pixi25

Told you something was in there Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That's funny!

18 Oct, 2011


its scary. is it safe to go in that garden at night?

18 Oct, 2011


I wouldnt! DOnt think Paul realises what lurks in his the night!

18 Oct, 2011


i wont be lurking in there!!!

18 Oct, 2011


Where's Paul!!!! lol

18 Oct, 2011


brilliant :D - I will not go out in garden at night though :D

18 Oct, 2011


especially on october 31st.

18 Oct, 2011



18 Oct, 2011


It's like Stephen King film - Cat's eyes :DDDDD

18 Oct, 2011


Hhaha Yes! hey you never know who might come and trick or treat out!

18 Oct, 2011


that looks like a horny little devil to me !! ..talking about the face in the bushes,Pixi..before you say anything! Lol.

18 Oct, 2011


hehhee oh aye! deffo!!!!!

18 Oct, 2011


Horny devil and bush - where's this heading? :D

18 Oct, 2011



18 Oct, 2011


up the garden path paul!!!

18 Oct, 2011


Becoming X-rated! lol

18 Oct, 2011


hahaha yep

18 Oct, 2011


LOL! GOod answer Sticki!!!!!!!!! hahaaa

18 Oct, 2011


must be the change in weather :D

18 Oct, 2011


Well its not the full moon..hmmm

18 Oct, 2011


those damn cold fronts I guess ;)

18 Oct, 2011


Looks like a crab to me Paul!!!! ;)

18 Oct, 2011


not a lobster then??

18 Oct, 2011


lol - not crabs as well :DDDDD

18 Oct, 2011


the back is cold too Paul!
Not crabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 Oct, 2011


Certainly hope not Paul, but that could explain what you're doing snapping pics in the loo :)))

18 Oct, 2011


Ahahahaa!!!!!!!!! oh we are still waiting for more Paul!

18 Oct, 2011


crabs loose in the loo lil lol :D

18 Oct, 2011


there that's one to say fast :D

18 Oct, 2011



18 Oct, 2011


Hhahaha! I jsut said it! sounds like a snog! lalala
In the loo Lil lol
If you dare go to in
Is where you'll find Paul
Oh isnt it a sin!
In the loo Lil lol
to be sung to the tune of in the navy ;)

18 Oct, 2011


Well I must say, this is much cheaper than drinking yet a similair effect :)

18 Oct, 2011


Hahha ah well..thats good nice n cheap..well free! really

18 Oct, 2011


At this point, think I should check for a gas leak :)

18 Oct, 2011


I;m shecking for leaks too..must go for a minute lol

18 Oct, 2011


'giggle', 'snort, snort', tee hee'

18 Oct, 2011


I'll check for leaks too - make sure there are some ;)

18 Oct, 2011


PAul! lololol!

18 Oct, 2011


Great work Pixi.

19 Oct, 2011


lol thanks ;)

19 Oct, 2011

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