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We are an Item..:o)


By Bloomer

We are an Item..:o)

Meet Gert and Bert !.They visit almost every day now..wonder if Carole sent me some of Lovey and Dovey's offspring ? :o)

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cool - little lovers - so cute ;)))

20 Oct, 2011


Awwww theya re beautiful!

20 Oct, 2011


they're coo-habiting

20 Oct, 2011


LOL! Yo're on form this morning Paul! lolol :)))))))))

20 Oct, 2011


:D these doves will get collared if they don't stop cooing ;)))))))))))

20 Oct, 2011


good morning you two! bet you weren't up as early as me..or these either..the early bird ,and all that..thanks,aren't they sweet ? :o)

20 Oct, 2011


Yes very :))))))))))))))))))))

20 Oct, 2011


Well Ive been up since 6am today..:)

20 Oct, 2011


Cute pic and great caption...
How lovely to have visits from Gert and Bert :o)

20 Oct, 2011


that's the middle of the morning ,Pixi..Lol..oh,I forgot its Thursday !! :o)

Thanks Terra..I love their colours..still very timid though..I had to take this from inside,so not as clear as it should be..

20 Oct, 2011


Your windows seem very clean.. no problem ;o)

20 Oct, 2011


i love these birds but we dont get any here.

20 Oct, 2011


Lol,Terra..OH does a good job on them ! :o).A bit of praise works wonders..:o)
Thay's a shame Sticki..maybe they are wary of Minty..:o)

20 Oct, 2011


it could be?? but we had them at our last house where there were lots of cats.
we have wood pigeons here, i wonder if they put these off??

20 Oct, 2011


Sorry Minty,for trying to blame you.x..maybe it is the wood pigeons then,I suppose they do outnumber them..we don't have many of them here..only the big sparrow family..there are still about ten of them every morning ,and throughout the day..but the collared doves don't seem to mind them..they sit patiently till they have finished ,and then grovel around for the left overs.:o)

20 Oct, 2011


sparrows are sweet; we dont have those either.

20 Oct, 2011


I always thought sparrows were so common,Sticki..but apparently not.You probably have some lovely birds in your garden,that I don't get..

20 Oct, 2011


the greater spotted minty cat!! but she cant fly.

20 Oct, 2011


Lol,Sticki..I bet she can climb trees though ! :o)

20 Oct, 2011


no she isnt very good at that. she cant catch the squirrels, in fact she doesnt even try now! they tease her!

20 Oct, 2011


a very laid back Minty then? ..probably treats them with complete cat.!

20 Oct, 2011


Nice to see Bert and Gert lol could well be Lovey and Dovey's offspring although I still have two of the young ones visting daily with their Dad I think Mums on the nest again, going to be overrun!! Had a mystery visitor last night and what chaos he or she created. We planted a dwarf Acer on Polly's rockery to replace the Salix standard that died. Well this morning there was a large deep hole and the poor Acer was uprooted on the lawn, haven't a clue who Dunnit lol but have replanted the Acer with rocks around it so hopefully it will be ok.;0)

20 Oct, 2011


They might keep meeting up,like us...Lol.Yours certainly have made themselves at home..and poor mum on the nest you think they will hatch or survive,now its turned cold ?..oh dear,I wonder if its a fox or a badger? Seems strange for the tree to be uprooted ..I hope the Acer settles back in ok..

20 Oct, 2011


Sandra have replanted the tree and put rocks around it, like you say either a Badger or a Fox, we have found a rather big hole in the fence between ours and Maries garden so maybe thats where it came from lol

23 Oct, 2011


Carole,our friends in Lincolnshire,had their young Magnolia dug up,just like your's and it was laid on the lawn..they knew it was a Badger,as the ground was covered in snow,and there was a perfect imprint of it,where it had laid down, near to it ! They have been staying with us this weekend,and I mentioned it to them ,and this is what they told us..

23 Oct, 2011


Well that sounds just like what happened in my garden , I will blame it on the Badger, I mean on Maries Badger lol

25 Oct, 2011


did you see that naturalist the other night,Carole?I think
it was 'the one show'.he was showing some children how to find which animals were visiting their garden at night.He packed down some sand where they had dug a hole,and so were able to tell by the footprints that it was a badger..good idea..if it doesn't rain !..You need to get your bucket and spade out ! Lol.

25 Oct, 2011


You really have been brushing up on your detective skills Sandra, Harry would think I had really lost it, if I get my bucket and spade out lol

25 Oct, 2011


ha ha,Carole was just coincidental about the footprints :o)...aah,so you still have a bucket and spade then ? I was going to offer you the one we bought for Thomas..he would love to "help" you .Lol.

26 Oct, 2011


Would love Thomas's company but not letting him loose in my patch, how about we meet up in your garden lol

26 Oct, 2011


Better still,we will meet up at his house..they are not gardeners,although I have tried to persuade them..we could play in his sandpit! Lol.

26 Oct, 2011


I would like that, love making Castles;0)

27 Oct, 2011


Good picture. We have a group of eight doves every day and they seem to get on together.

12 Nov, 2011


I have only seen one of them,since we came back from holiday..hope it's just a lovers tiff !

12 Nov, 2011


I have three that visit daily, the pair arrive first then a single wood pigeon and dove arrive together. I think they use each other as look outs

22 Nov, 2011


Glad to say they are both back together..although they don't seem to come as often now....

22 Nov, 2011


Glad the other dove has reappeared Bloomer. Our doves have increased to ten per visit now. They certainly seem very hungry.

22 Nov, 2011


A busy time for you,Linda..natural food is on the wane now,I think..I still can't believe that my Pyracantha's are still full of berries..although I suppose they will disappear before too long...

22 Nov, 2011


It seems to have been a good year for berries. I love Pyracanthas Bloomer but hate the thorns so in a small garden I haven't got one.

23 Nov, 2011


Luckily ,mine are growing up a wall at the back of a border,so I don't have to try to get round them..but have still been caught out a few times,when pruning stuff..a few choice swear words help the pain ! Lol.

23 Nov, 2011



23 Nov, 2011

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