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Vigna Caracalla / Corkscrew Vine

Vigna Caracalla / Corkscrew Vine

This gorgeous vine just keeps blooming.

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Wonderful colour too...

19 Nov, 2011


That is beautiful.................

19 Nov, 2011


A delightfully screwy looking plant! lol!

20 Nov, 2011


Thanks Moti, Milky and Tet. My favorite vine....I have it next to my stairs so I can see and smell it everytime I walk up or down.

20 Nov, 2011


You grow yours indoors?

I've just lifted mine from the garden today. I grew them from seed - no flowers this year, but nice large tubers!

20 Nov, 2011


I grow mine outdoors. It's on the bottom of my stairs coming up to the house.

From seed??? Did they germinate easy?

I'm going to take a few cuttings and see how that goes.

20 Nov, 2011


Ah, lost in translation (what a great film that is)! Outdoors we would say steps.............

Yes, easy peasy from seed!

20 Nov, 2011


Yes, lost in is stairs...18 steps. My house is on the first floor not the ground floor. ;o)

Should be real easy from a cutting then.

20 Nov, 2011


Great Colour, and scent too, there's a bonus Alex :)))

24 Nov, 2011


I loooove this vine Crissue...I took two cutting a few days ago.

24 Nov, 2011


Hope they take for you...:)))

24 Nov, 2011


Oh thank you Crissue...I hope so too!

25 Nov, 2011



This vine should bloom all year for you. They bloom all year here.

Also, it should grow from cuttings very easily.

26 Nov, 2011


It's loaded with buds and flowers now Delonix. I love it....and it smells soooo nice.
I do hope my cuttings root, would love one up on my balcony near my front door.

26 Nov, 2011


That's great! :>)

However, here's a little warning about this vine.

Please read the "negative comment" from chunx on Dave's Garden.

26 Nov, 2011


Thanks Delonix, the only thing that worries me is the aphids. It's in a pot at the moment...

26 Nov, 2011


That's smart having this vine in a pot. :>)

Do you many aphids on your plant?

26 Nov, 2011


The reason it's still in a pot is.....I'm not sure where I want it yet plus I want to see how well it's going to do this winter.
No, not many aphids but I hate them because they use to attack my gardenia's.

26 Nov, 2011


My next-door-neighbor has this vine...I've never seen aphids on it (not to there's isn't any).

I think your vine is going to just fine through winter, Vigna caracalla is a tough vine.

27 Nov, 2011


I wouldn't worry about this one Alex - even if the weather turns and you loose the top growth, the tubers will be fine!

27 Nov, 2011


Thanks Delonix and Meanie. Now to think of where it will look it's best.

28 Nov, 2011

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This photo is of "Vigna Caracalla / Corkscrew Vine" in Alexandramou's garden

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