A fitting end for a snail...

21 Nov, 2011
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Saturday lunch!
Comments on this photo
21 Nov, 2011
Hi Michaella and Drc!
I haven't had much to photograph, lately...but I'm working on it lol!
This is a picture of a large snail cooked in chilli pepper sauce...
I had it with chips...It was a bit tough! ;)))
21 Nov, 2011
Oh my........
21 Nov, 2011
I feel a bit queasy - I don't think I could ever try one of those - and I'm not exactly a fussy eater either!
21 Nov, 2011
Oh yuk!
21 Nov, 2011
I don't think I'll have it again..... ;)
21 Nov, 2011
It did look a lot more like a big black slug than a French 'escargot'! lol! But...nothing ventured....
21 Nov, 2011
I feel like boking! lol
21 Nov, 2011
It was pretty tough and it looked a bit like a mushroom when I (eventually!) sawed through it...but the sauce (or, soup as they call it here) was lovely!
21 Nov, 2011
still yuk! lol
21 Nov, 2011
Yup, that's why I don't go to Africa..right there! ;) Well done KfA!!
21 Nov, 2011
Hi KS! I've just discussed it with Esther and she reckons it just wasn't cooked long enough! Looks like a return visit to the snail 'a la Esther' might be on the cards! lol!
21 Nov, 2011
No matter how hard I tried...I could not press the like button for this :)
Although I admire your stomach for trying :)
21 Nov, 2011
Snail n chips, could catch on : /
21 Nov, 2011
Heehee, Scottish and Stevie...!
Esther knows where to find really big ones (like the size of a football!)...Can't wait! lol!!
21 Nov, 2011
I hope you were thinking of me and 'snaily' at the time, J! lol! :)))))
21 Nov, 2011
LOL! :))))
22 Nov, 2011
lol...that thing needs at least two hours in the oven...it looks like shoe leather! ;)
22 Nov, 2011
Believe me, KS - you could have had everlasting wear out of it!
23 Nov, 2011
lol! imagine that...snail sandals!!
23 Nov, 2011
Make them Karen!
23 Nov, 2011
I'm happy to report that I have no giant snails available to me here Pixi!!
23 Nov, 2011
Dur...just realised you were speaking to tother Karen!!
23 Nov, 2011
haha well somebody should make them?
nice avatar :)
23 Nov, 2011
Thanks Pixi! Yes, it would be something for Karen to fill her long lonely hours with...snail hunting followed by the curing of the snail meat and the shaping and stitching of the sandals...embellished with some snail shell perhaps....lol ;)
23 Nov, 2011
yeah keep her away from the boat club and wine lol
23 Nov, 2011
She could start a cottage industry!
23 Nov, 2011
Snail sandals....now there's a thought! Would they have curled toes, do you think??? :)
23 Nov, 2011
23 Nov, 2011
I could call them 'slugs'... :)
23 Nov, 2011
:)))) sluggies!
23 Nov, 2011
Definitely more catchy!! :)))))
24 Nov, 2011
Pictures by karenfranceafrica
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9 Sep, 2008
Here you are, have not seen you on here for a bit :)) Can't make the picture out, could you please explain some more? Many thanks Karenfranceafrica :)))
21 Nov, 2011