My Jade PLant (money plant)
By Pixi25

21 Nov, 2011
I posted my dad's one which looks much healthier and preoducing flowers..this is mine..hmm..bigger but never produced flowers and leaves keep falling off! Does this mean I'm skint? lol
Comments on this photo
Would it? is that the corner for the dragon to be????
I have a little box on the windowsill too that I keep putting odd pennies doesnt work..still skint lol..did you see the drawing I did?
21 Nov, 2011
I d'ken really... Dragons are lucky, tho'! (And he's a handsome fearsome specimen, your dragon!)
My Gran always had an elephant with it's trunk raised and facing away from the door to keep prosperity in!
21 Nov, 2011
Yeah i have one at the bottom of the stairs facing out the front door! I do all these things but it make s no odds lol
21 Nov, 2011
That's where you're going wrong, then Pix...he should be facing away from the door! Away and turn him round!! lol!!
21 Nov, 2011
back to the dorr?
21 Nov, 2011
Yep! At least thats what my Gran used to say...or maybe I've got it wrong...Help I'm not sure now...
No I'm pretty sure that it shouldn't face the stop your luck escaping!
21 Nov, 2011
Eeek..need to check this out lol
21 Nov, 2011
Somebody here's bound to know... lol!
21 Nov, 2011
Yeah lol
21 Nov, 2011
lol pixi, maybe it needs repotting into bigger pot, fresh composs ;o)
21 Nov, 2011
I repootted it last year its a huge pot! I'll see if I have one in the shed and try that tho lol:))))))
21 Nov, 2011
As long as you don't have to make yourself more skint buying a new pot and compost! lol! ;))))))))))))))
23 Nov, 2011
oh \Hhahahaha!
23 Nov, 2011
Sorry Pixi...couldn't resist... ;) x
23 Nov, 2011
lol karen
23 Nov, 2011
Which direction do lucky elephants face?
the elephant should face the entrance of the house.
I was right! :)
23 Nov, 2011
Well...How come it's no working, hen??? :)
24 Nov, 2011
Well that is only to ward off evil..not to gain money lol ...oh well. :)
25 Nov, 2011
Hmmm...have to think of something else then...
In Botswana, 'money' and 'rain' are the same word... ;)
26 Nov, 2011
Well its pissing money tonight...worst drive in a long time!
Could only go 40mph all the way!!!!!! and galeforce winds!! :(
26 Nov, 2011
OMG...I don't miss that - at all! :(
28 Nov, 2011
Still the same weather!
28 Nov, 2011
Grey here...but no rain and getting up to 40°C in the afternoons!!!
And the air-con in the bedroom's broken down! :(
29 Nov, 2011
Weel today has gotten worse! I dont know what speed winds are but i'm quite scared to go out!!!!!!!!
29 Nov, 2011
29 Nov, 2011
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LOL! :)
Maybe hanging your lucky dragon near it would make good Feng Shui, Pixi? ;)))
21 Nov, 2011