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Escallonia Gold Brian planted in the spring and this is its first flowers, its confused by the mild weather!


By Drc726

Escallonia Gold Brian planted in the spring and this is its first flowers, its confused by the mild weather! (Escallonia)

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Looks nice and healthy and the flowers are so delicate

29 Nov, 2011


I love these Escallonias - I have the gold ellen one - beautiful shrubs

30 Nov, 2011


Thanks S, HB and P

30 Nov, 2011



30 Nov, 2011


It does look very healthy I bought a new one last year that has done nothing also the leaves are looking a yellowish colour maybe my soil doesn't suit it ...

30 Nov, 2011


Both of mine are in clay Amy.

30 Nov, 2011


I love this shrub we grow the gold Ellen which looks identical to Brian, last winter it suffered, but looks fine now and has flowered on and off all year.

30 Nov, 2011


We don't have clay Drc we have acid soil although after seeing your lovely healthy specimen I loooked it up in my shrub book and it says .. any reasonable garden soil will do ... perhaps it wasn't a very good one to start with I seem to remember I bought it at a cheap and cheerful kind of place ...

30 Nov, 2011


I hope it will be okay if the weather changes DD.
Perhaps if you give it a good feed and mulch in the spring Amy?

30 Nov, 2011


I love these. Mine took a battering last winter but look fine now. I'm also growing in clay.

1 Dec, 2011


I'll do that Drc ... :o)

1 Dec, 2011



1 Dec, 2011


My Escallonia 'Little Elle' is flowering similarly now, I'll try and get a picture tomorrow. Last year's cold caused severe branch die back on the young planting but it recovered and put out tremendous growth, in shade. Sadly my two 'Gold Brian' plants were killed outright by the cold, lucky you planted in spring perhaps ;)

Also in clay.

30 Dec, 2011


I am keeping my fingers crossed and so far the weather has been so mild Severnside.

30 Dec, 2011


Fingers x'd as well :)

30 Dec, 2011



31 Dec, 2011


Very match with your healthy leaves and first pink flowers... So beautiful...

14 Feb, 2012


Thanks GZ

14 Feb, 2012

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This photo is of species Escallonia.

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This photo is of "Escallonia Gold Brian" in Drc726's garden

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